Contribution 2023-2026 to the CALP Network (CALP)

CALP is a global network of organisation engaged in the critical areas of policy, practice and research in humanitarian cash and voucher assistance (CVA). CALP enables collaboration between organizations to increase the scale and quality of CVA, while also supporting them to make their own progress by bringing organizations together to strengthen capacity, knowledge, coordination and policy of CVA.

Land/Region Thema Periode Budget
Humanitäre Hilfe & DRR
Humanitäre Effizienz
01.04.2023 - 31.03.2026
CHF  1’500’000
Hintergrund The international humanitarian system is facing a myriad of challenges while the number of people in need of humanitarian assistance keeps increasing. The gap between available funding and needs is expected to widen. Amidst these challenges, the humanitarian system has seen an continous increase in the use of CVA which now accounts for about 19% of international humanitarian assistance. CVA represents the preferred form of assistance for most people in most crises and offers enormous opportunity to deliver assistance effectively and efficiently in many of contexts.
While agencies remain committed to using CVA, there are signs that growth is slowing and the absence of a clear roadmap for the continued development of CVA presents a risk of progress slipping back and it taking longer to achieve the potential of CVA.
Ziele Maximise the potential that humanitarian CVA assistance can bring to people in context of crisis. Generate alignment in the approaches and actions of those within and across the CALP network, in order to help optimise the quality and scale of humanitarian CVA. This will enable people in crises to better address their priorities.
Zielgruppen All humanitarian practitioners, development actors, donors, the private sector, host governments.
Mittelfristige Wirkungen

CALP’s strategy 2020-25 focuses on five interlinked areas of strategic focus: 

  1. Foster collaboration for more effective and sustainable humanitarian CVA that better meets the needs of people living in contexts of crisis;
  2. Become an effective global network for the CVA system, inspired by improving outcomes for people living in contexts of crisis;
  3. Strengthen evidence-based policy and action in order to transform humanitarian CVA;
  4. Provide thought-leadership on emerging issues likely to affect humanitarian CVA, mindful of the links to broader financial assistance;
  5. Continue to expand the skills and knowledge required to deliver quality, sustainable humanitarian CVA, at scale.

Erwartete Resultate:  

In 2023/2024, the following activities are planned, among others: 

  • Convene/facilitate a high level policy dialogue to develop new policy roadmap for CVA. 
  • Support and strengthen coordination structures to ensure accountability and linkages between national, regional and global levels.
  • Enhance inclusive communication platforms to increase CALP’s reach. 
  • Establish dedicated CALP support to the Ukraine response to capitalise on the extensive learning and innovation from the response and ensure this informs ongoing CVA programming.
  • Continue strengthening and expanding CALP’s presence in Asia Pacific. 
  • Generate evidence to fill identified gaps and stakeholder needs.
  • Review and update key pieces of technical guidance.
  • Develop, update and/or collaborate on key training courses to enable the network to access and deliver trainings. 

The thematic focus of CALP’s work in 2024/25 and 2025/26 will be informed by their network, the Technical Advisory Group and the CaLP team.

Resultate von früheren Phasen:  

  • Since their founding, CALP has been at the forefront of promoting and improving CVA across the humanitarian sector;
  • In recent years, CALP further strengthened its position as global network for CVA, with a growing number of members;
  • Launch of the 2020-25 strategy and initiation of a change process to ensure its delivery; 
  • Regional and global convening on a wide range of subjects including COVID-19, Data Responsibility, Locally-Led Humanitarian action and Social Protection;
  • Supporting the development of a new cash coordination model and its endorsement by IASC;
  • Providing support to the Ukraine Cash Working Groups as it sought to cope with the information demands, and the rapid increase in the number of actors involved in the early stages of the response;
  • Establishment of the Environment and CVA Community of Practice.

Verantwortliche Direktion/Bundesamt DEZA
Projektpartner Vertragspartner
Internationale oder ausländische NGO

Koordination mit anderen Projekten und Akteuren The CALP network has over 90 members, including local and international non-governmental organisations; United Nations agencies; the Red Cross/Crescent Movement; donors; specialist social innovation, technology and financial services companies; researchers and academics; and individual practitioners.
Budget Laufende Phase Schweizer Beitrag CHF    1’500’000 Bereits ausgegebenes Schweizer Budget CHF    500’000
Projektphasen Phase 6 01.04.2023 - 31.03.2026   (Laufende Phase) Phase 3 01.01.2017 - 31.12.2018   (Completed) Phase 2 01.01.2015 - 31.12.2016   (Completed) Phase 1 01.01.2013 - 31.12.2014   (Completed)