
Press releases

Here you will find media information on matters concerning European policy. Press releases and other information for the media from the various federal departments and offices can be accessed via the Federal Administration’s media portal.

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Freight Transport 2016 - Railways continue to regain market share

21.11.2017 — Press releases Europa

In 2016 rail goods transport regained market share from road transport for the fourth successive year. Transport performance by rail increased by 0.9% compared with the previous year while transport performance in road goods transport fell by 1.5%. These are some of the findings of the goods transport statistics produced by the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

Central Mediterranean Region: Better Protection of Refugees and Migrants and the Fight against Smugglers

13.11.2017 — Press releases EDA
There is a need for stronger protection of refugees’ and migrants’ basic rights. This is a central theme of the declaration adopted in Bern on 13 November 2017 by the representatives of thirteen European and African countries situated on both sides of the Central Mediterranean Sea. The representatives met for the third meeting of the Central Mediterranean Contact Group, which was also attended by representatives of the EU, the UNHCR, the IOM and the ICRC. The participants intend to address the challenges posed by the alarming situation along the migration route to North Africa by strengthening the prevention of migrant smuggling, combating human trafficking and supporting the voluntary return of migrants to their countries of origin.

Official working visit of Federal Councillor Johann Schneider-Ammann in Brussels

03.11.2017 — Press releases Europa

Federal Councillor Johann Schneider-Ammann, Head of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research (EAER), is attending the annual meeting of the ministers of economic affairs and of finance of EFTA and the EU (ECOFIN) in Brussels on 7 November 2017. He is also meeting two Vice Presidents of the European Commission, Andrus Ansip and Jyrki Katainen.

Focus on European policy and bilateral issues during presidential visit to Bulgaria

02.11.2017 — Press releases EDA
On Thursday, 2 November, President Doris Leuthard, held the now traditional talks with the future EU Council presidency. The themes addressed during the discussions with Bulgarian President Rumen Radev, Prime Minister Bojko Borissov and further members of the government included European policy, as well as bilateral and international issues.

EU-Switzerland Financial Regulatory Dialogue held in Bern

19.10.2017 — Europa
The Swiss State Secretariat for International Financial Matters and the European Commission held their 2017 Financial Regulatory Dialogue on October 19 in Berne. The Dialogue was co-chaired by Jörg Gasser, State Secretary for International Financial Matters, and Olivier Guersent, European Commission's Director General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union. Participants included staff from the European Commission, European Supervisory Authorities, Single Resolution Board, the Swiss federal administration, the Swiss National Bank and the Swiss Financial Supervisory Authority FINMA.

Luxembourg foreign minister Jean Asselborn in Bern for talks

10.10.2017 — Press releases EDA
Luxembourg and Switzerland have close, long-standing relations. To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Grand Duchy’s first diplomatic representation in Switzerland, the foreign minister of Luxembourg, Jean Asselborn, visited Bern on 10 October 2017 to hold talks with Federal Councillor Didier Burkhalter, head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, and Federal Councillor Simonetta Sommaruga, head of the Federal Department of Justice and Police. The discussions focused on aspects of European policy, migration foreign policy, European security policy, the fight against terrorism and cooperation within the United Nations.

Strengthening ties between Switzerland and Italy: Didier Burkhalter and Angelino Alfano meet in Lugano on the margins of the Switzerland-Italy Dialogue Forum

09.10.2017 — Press releases EDA
The Head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Didier Burkhalter, visited Lugano on Monday, 9 October 2017 for a working meeting with Italy's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Angelino Alfano. Prior to discussing a series of pressing bilateral and multilateral issues, Mr Burkhalter and Mr Alfano opened the Forum for Dialogue between Italy and Switzerland, an initiative that seeks to strengthen ties between the two countries and promote an interchange of ideas in the political, economic, financial and cultural spheres.

Switzerland signs European declaration on eGovernment

06.10.2017 — Press releases Europa

On Friday, 6 October 2017, Federal Councillor Ueli Maurer signed a declaration on eGovernment jointly drawn up by the EU and EFTA in the context of the Ministerial eGovernment Conference in Estonia. The declaration contains five core principles for eGovernment and is intended to be a guide for further development.                

European Parliament’s PANA Committee to visit Switzerland

15.09.2017 — Europa
The Swiss authorities will receive a delegation from the European Parliament's PANA Committee on 15 September. The focus of the talks will be the current system and the ongoing work to combat money laundering, terrorist financing and tax offences.

Federal Council initiates consultation on tax proposal 17

06.09.2017 — Press releases Europa

During its meeting on 6 September 2017, the Federal Council initiated the consultation on tax proposal 17 (TP17). The proposal will make a significant contribution to having an appealing location and thus to added value, jobs and tax receipts. The reform will additionally meet international requirements concerning corporate tax law. 

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