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Childhood Cancer Care in Latvia

11.12.2024 — Press releases Schweizer Beitrag
Switzerland supports the Children’s Clinical University Hospital (CCUH) in Riga, which celebrated its 125th anniversary in October 2024. The hospital plays a key role in children’s healthcare in Latvia. A special event was the official launch of the Swiss-Latvian cooperation programme “Development of Childhood Cancer Care”. 

Knowledge Transfer and Collaboration: Croatian Water Experts Visit Switzerland

31.10.2024 — Article Schweizer Beitrag
At the end of October 2024, SECO organized a study visit for Croatian water experts to explore Swiss approaches to drinking water and wastewater management. Visits to the wastewater treatment plants in Schwyz and Gossau-Grüningen, as well as the drinking water supplier tb Glarus, provided an impressive showcase of energy-efficient water management practices. 

Insight into Swiss energy management and renewable energies for the Slovenian Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy

17.07.2024 — Article Schweizer Beitrag
At the end of May, SECO organized a study visit to Bern and Western Switzerland for Slovenian experts in the area of environment, energy and climate. Thanks to exchanges with the Swiss Federal Office of Energy, the canton of Vaud, and the municipality of Saint-Prex (VD), the delegation gained important insights into local energy networks, their digitalization, and new energy planning tools at all administrative levels. The visit to Agroscope and the Solberry berry farm also provided an opportunity to learn about existing Swiss agri-photovoltaic systems in a scientific and agricultural context and to establish important contacts for future cooperation.

Second Swiss contribution, migration framework credit: Implementation agreement with Italy signed

17.05.2024 — Press releases Europa
On 17 May in Rome, Switzerland and Italy signed an agreement on the implementation of projects under the second Swiss contribution to the migration framework credit. CHF 20 million has been earmarked to fund the accommodation and care of unaccompanied minor asylum seekers in Italy. This is a further Swiss contribution to addressing migration in Europe. The agreement was signed by State Secretary Christine Schraner Burgener and the Italian head of cabinet of the Ministry of the Interior, Maria Teresa Sempreviva.

Swiss-Polish Research and Innovation Programme

14.05.2024 — Article Schweizer Beitrag
The Swiss-Polish Research and Innovation Programme in the framework of the Second Swiss Contribution provides 41 million Swiss francs for scientists and the opportunity to cooperate with world-class researchers. Calls for basic and applied research open now!

State Secretary Martina Hirayama visits Poland with science delegation

11.04.2024 — Press releases Europa
On 9 and 10 April, Martina Hirayama, State Secretary for Education, Research and Innovation (ERI), met with Polish government representatives in Warsaw. She opened the kick-off event of the Polish-Swiss research and innovation programme. The visit to Warsaw will strengthen bilateral relations between Switzerland and Poland in the ERI sector.

The new Swiss-Polish Cooperation Programme has been launched

13.12.2023 — Article Schweizer Beitrag
The Swiss-Polish Cooperation Programme as part of the Swiss Contribution to selected EU member states, was officially launched in Warsaw on 12 December 2023. Over 300 representatives from Polish towns, the research and innovation community, civil society and the private sector attended the event.

Closing Conference of the Croatian-Swiss Research Programme in Zagreb

23.10.2023 — Article Schweizer Beitrag
On 19 October, the closing conference of the Croatian-Swiss Research Programme (CSRP), organised by the Croatian Science Foundation HRZZ, took place in Zagreb. The CSRP initiative aims to promote scientific cooperation between Switzerland and Croatia and is in implementation from 2017 until the end of 2023.

All implementation agreements signed, first projects launched

19.09.2023 — Article Schweizer Beitrag
Switzerland and Slovakia have signed the bilateral agreement on 19 September 2023 on the implementation of the second Swiss contribution to selected EU member states. Switzerland has thus signed the bilateral implementation agreements for the cohesion part with all partner countries of the second Swiss contribution. The implementation phase now follows.

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Object 37 – 48 of 155

10 years of contribution to the enlarged EU: efforts pay off

19.06.2017 — Press releases Schweizer Beitrag

The 10-year implementation period for Switzerland’s enlargement contribution to the 10 central and eastern European countries that joined the EU in 2004 came to an end on 14 June 2017. Under the contribution, Parliament approved a total of CHF 1 billion to implement 210 projects which have helped reduce economic and social disparities among broad sections of the population living in the EU.

State secretary attends final conference in Czechia

14.06.2017 — Article Schweizer Beitrag
State Secretary Marie-Gabrielle Ineichen-Fleisch was in Czechia from 2 to 4 May 2017. During her visit she opened the final conference of the Swiss-Czech cooperation programme, which comes to an end in mid-June. She also visited four projects which were supported through Switzerland’s contribution to the enlarged EU.

Cooperation with Croatia takes shape

31.05.2017 — Article Schweizer Beitrag
Two and a half years after the Swiss Parliament approved an EU enlargement contribution of CHF 45 million for Croatia, the commitment period is due to expire at the end of May 2017. The two countries have agreed on 12 projects during this time. The cooperation will focus on improving the drinking water supply and waste water treatment, education and research, and demining efforts.

Swiss-Czech partnerships a success

15.05.2017 — Article Schweizer Beitrag

Nearly a hundred projects were implemented under the Swiss-Czech partnership fund. These range from the construction of a cable car system and the promotion of non-motorised transport to cooperation between Czech and Swiss vocational schools. Our photo gallery presents some of the projects.

Switzerland shares best practice in the field of energy

03.04.2017 — Article Schweizer Beitrag
Poland has been demonstrating a keen interest in renewable energies and raising people's awareness of climate protection. That is why Switzerland has been supporting ten projects aimed at increasing energy efficiency and the use of renewable energies in Poland over the last five years. It is also the fifth time that Switzerland has hosted a delegation of representatives from Poland interested in finding out more about our energy policy and expertise in this field. Given that Switzerland’s contribution to the EU’s ten new member states will end in June 2017, the most recent visit of the Polish delegation was even more important in terms of maintaining partnerships between the two countries and Switzerland’s activities in Poland.

Dual vocational education and training in Slovakia

25.01.2017 — Article Schweizer Beitrag
Switzerland is supporting a project to help Slovakia improve dual vocational education and training. The project aims to develop a practice-based market-oriented vocational education and training system. The vocational schools gear their courses to businesses’ requirements and pupils receive training in a company in addition to theoretical knowledge. This equips them with better qualifications and improves their job prospects.

Switzerland is investing in the future – in public buildings in Estonia

22.12.2016 — Article Schweizer Beitrag
In the fight against climate change, the thermo-modernisation of infrastructure plays an important role. With Swiss support, Estonia is renovating public facilities in accordance with internationally recognised energy standards and providing them with alternative energy sources. The projects not only improve the global climate but also the working and learning environment inside the buildings.

Upgrading public transport in the Czech Republic

15.11.2016 — Article Schweizer Beitrag
The Czech city of Beroun is pleased with its new bus station. Local and regional buses now stop directly next to the train station, making the kilometre-long walk from one to the other a thing of the past.  In addition to the much shorter connection time, the project, which was organised in the context of Switzerland’s contribution to the enlarged EU, clearly improves the security of passengers and takes into account the needs of people with disabilities.

Switzerland supports the victims of human trafficking

18.10.2016 — Article Schweizer Beitrag
Europe has appealed for international action against trafficking in humans on 18 October every year since 2007. Switzerland is also committed to the fight against human trafficking through its enlargement contribution. It is supporting Bulgaria and Romania with their efforts aimed at prevention, victim protection, reintegration and improving criminal prosecution.

A home for abandoned children in Romania

21.09.2016 — Article Schweizer Beitrag
Many Romanian children find themselves in a home – not because they are orphans but for reasons of poverty.  Since the 1990s, members of the Swiss-Romanian association for abandoned children have run a home for abandoned children in the Transylvanian town of Ghimbav. The home offers these children a family environment to grow up in.

Sharp drop in infant mortality in Lithuania

22.08.2016 — Article Schweizer Beitrag
Thanks to Swiss support, conditions for newborns and mothers in Lithuania have improved greatly. The infant mortality rate has dropped sharply since the nineties. With its enlargement contribution, Switzerland finances modern medical equipment, energy-efficient renovations and further training in healthcare in 27 hospitals.

Wood-generated heat and electricity in Poland

29.06.2016 — Article Schweizer Beitrag
Lebork has completed the construction of a heat and power cogeneration plant on schedule and connected it to the city's district heating network. The plant now provides 40% of Lebork's energy needs for hot water and heating. At the same time it generates electricity for the local electricity network.

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