Sustaining Competitive and Responsible Enterprises SCORE, Phase II

Proyecto terminado

SCORE is a practical modular training and workplace improvement programme to increase the productivity of SMEs while promoting cleaner production and respect for workers’ rights. SCORE demonstrates best international practice in manufacturing and service sectors and helps SMEs to participate in global supply chains.

Región/País Período Presupuesto
A nivel mundial
01.01.2013 - 31.12.2017
CHF  12’745’887

Increasing global competition puts pressure on enterprises to continually upgrade their productivity. Multinationals demand that supplier firms and subcontractors comply with codes of conduct to safeguard international labour and environmental standards. SMEs must improve their business and management operations, but often practical training and consulting programmes are unaffordable and unavailable to them. SCORE focuses on developing cooperative relations in the workplace. Workers and managers participate to a series of classroom training sessions on workplace cooperation, quality management, human resources, OHS.


The objective of SCORE Phase II is to have national institutions providing, independently from the ILO and donor funding, SCORE training to SMEs to improve their working conditions, productivity and competitiveness. The overall objective is that SMEs become cleaner, more productive and competitive and provide more and better jobs

Efectos a medio plazo

Outcome 1: Industry associations or other industry coordination mechanisms market and organize SCORE training for SMEs.

Outcome 2: Service providers deliver effective training and advisory services on a cost-recovery basis to SMEs.

Outcome 3: Increased awareness of responsible workplace practices at the local, national and global level.


Resultados previstos:  

Output 1.1: Sub-sectors and clusters with high decent job creation potential and strong sector organizations selected (in new countries or for expansion in existing countries)

Output 1.2: Industry Association or other coordinating institutions trained in marketing and in the coordination of SCORE

Output 1.3: National capacity available to replicate the training programme

Output 2.1: A locally adapted, gender-mainstreamed edition of the SCORE training materials available

Output 2.2: SCORE M&E system established and up-to-date

Output 2.3: Local service providers capacitated to deliver workplace competitiveness upgrading services

Output 2.4: SMEs trained on SCORE Modules on a demand-driven basis

Output 3.1: Documentation and dissemination of good workplace practices is available

Output 3.2: Policy makers, labour inspectors and social partners have increased awareness / knowledge about the link between good working conditions and enterprise productivity

Resultados de las fases anteriores:  

Trainers of 19 institutions (government agencies, training organizations, industry associa-tions) have trained more than 250 SMEs (representing more than 49 000 workers) in China, Colombia, Ghana, India, Indonesia, South Africa and Viet Nam. More than 2000 workers and managers (33% women) have jointly been trained in classroom workshops. More than 900 enterprise consulting visits have been conducted. SCORE training has resulted in 75-80% of trained enterprises adopting best practices such as daily worker-manager meetings, Employees Suggestion Schemes and better human resource management practices. Before SCORE training, less than 10% of enterprises engaged in above practices. On average 40-50% of factories report cost savings due to SCORE training (such as energy savings and reductions in defects), indicating improved productivity. Occupational safety and health also improved global aggregate data show 16% less accidents and 3.6% less absenteeism in participating firms.

Dirección / Officina Federal responsable SECO
Crédito Cooperación al desarrollo
Presupuesto Fase en curso Presupuesto suizo CHF    12’745’887 Presupuesto actual suizo ya emitido CHF    0 Presupuesto inclusive contrapartes del proyecto CHF    32’700’000
Fases del proyecto Fase 4 01.01.2021 - 30.06.2025   (Fase en curso) Fase 3 01.10.2017 - 31.12.2021   (Completed)

Fase 2 01.01.2013 - 31.12.2017   (Completed)