New releases, special publications and brochures: Swiss supported activities in various publications
Results of Swiss support to BiH 2021-2024

Switzerland contributes to a European perspective for Bosnia and Herzegovina in order to promote peace, stability and prosperity.
Take a look at the most significant results from Swiss support to Bosnia and Herzegovina through the Swiss Cooperation Programme in BiH 2021 – 2024 (PDF, 1 Page, 864.7 kB).
The results of our joint activities are important foundations for the future. We are convinced that they will be even more visible in the years to come.
Let's talk results!

Have a look at the infographic showing the main results of the Swiss Cooperation Programme 2021–24 (PDF, 21 Pages, 1.7 MB, English) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, achieved in 2023.
Our gratitude goes to the people in Switzerland and Bosnia and Herzegovina who made this all possible. We embarked on this journey together and made a tremendous amount of impact.
We look forward to continuing this journey with you and building a better tomorrow for new generations.
Find out what we have achieved in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2023.
Results of Swiss support to BiH 2023 (PDF, 1 Page, 1.6 MB, English)
Results of Swiss support to Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2022

Building on Switzerland’s long-term presence in the country and earlier achievements, the Swiss Cooperation Programme 2021–24 (PDF, 21 Pages, 1.7 MB, English) focuses on three thematic areas: Economic Development and Employment, Health, and Local Governance and Municipal Services. Switzerland has relevant expertise in all three areas and we are confident that we can make an effective contribution to the further development of Bosnia and Herzegovina. We count on the ownership and leadership of our partners to achieve lasting reforms and results.
Do you want to find out what did we achieve in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2022? Let us present to you some of the most significant results.
Results of Swiss support to BiH 2021

Have a look at the infographic of the main results of the Swiss Cooperation Programme in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2021.
Results of the Swiss support to BiH 2021 (PDF, 1 Page, 313.4 kB)
Results of the Swiss Cooperation Strategy in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2017-2020

Find out what #SwissinBiH stands for!
Have a look at the infographic of the main results of the Swiss Cooperation Strategy in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2017-2020.
The Results of the Swiss support to BiH 2017-2020 (PDF, 1 Page, 1.2 MB)
Conflict Sensitive Programme Management Practical Guide (CSPM) for Swiss supported projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Looking at your project through a conflict sensitive lens will help you to better understand the context you are operating in and the interactions between the people who are affected in one way or the other by your project.
CSPM draws attention to a fundamental question: does a project contribute to the prevention of tensions and conflicts, or does it aggravate existing tensions and conflicts, or even create new ones? This often happens, if in a project divergent objectives, differing values and asymmetrical power structures of the various actors have not been adequately taken into consideration.
Concern about conflicts is nothing new to development practitioners. Development projects stimulate social processes of change, which are inevitably connected with shifts in power structures. CSPM helps you to analyse and manage development processes by identifying potential conflicts among stakeholders already in the planning phase. By analysing the root causes of those conflicts you can address them and define the right intervention strategies. For many of those who have undertaken a conflict sensitive stakeholder analysis, it has been an eye opener.
The CSPM guide book (PDF, 42 Pages, 2.2 MB) will provide you with practical, easy to use tools and instruments.
Results of the Swiss Cooperation Strategy in BiH for 2017-2019

Have a look at the infographic of the main results of the Swiss Cooperation Strategy in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2017-2020, reached by 2019.
The Results of the Swiss support to BiH 2017-2019 (PDF, 1 Page, 442.6 kB)
Results of the Swiss Cooperation Strategy in BiH for 2017-2018

Have a look at the infographic of the main results of the Swiss Cooperation Strategy in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2017-2020, reached by 2018.
Swiss Cooperation Strategy for Bosnia and Herzegovina 2017-2020 IN BRIEF

Switzerland's engagement in Bosnia and Herzegovina is based on its tradition of solidarity and its commitment to each and every person living free of poverty, in dignity and in security.
Switzerland’s own prosperity and security depend to a large degree on the international environment in which it operates. It is committed to doing its share to meet the challenges our world faces.
The short version of the Swiss Cooperation Strategy for Bosnia and Herzegovina 2017-2020 (IN BRIEF) is available for download.
Swiss Cooperation Strategy for BiH 2017-20 (FR) (PDF, 8 Pages, 1.4 MB)
Swiss Cooperation Strategy for BiH 2017-20 (IT) ()
Swiss Cooperation Strategy for BiH 2017-20 (EN) (PDF, 8 Pages, 1.4 MB)
Swiss Cooperation Strategy for BiH 2017-20 (DE) (PDF, 8 Pages, 1.4 MB)and
Swiss Cooperation Strategy for BiH 2017-20 (BiH) (PDF, 8 Pages, 1.4 MB).
How to prevent corruption in international business transactions

As the manager or employee of a Swiss company operating abroad, you may be exposed to situations involving bribes or corruption. Bribery and corruption are not inevitable, and you can help to fight against it by adopting appropriate behaviours. Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affiars (SECO) has published a brochure on corruption in international business transactions.
The brochure (available for download in English (PDF, 2.1 MB) (PDF, 2.1 MB), German (PDF, 2.1 MB) (PDF, 2.1 MB) and French (PDF, 2.1 MB) (PDF, 2.1 MB)) can help companies to become familiar with the applicable regulations of the Swiss criminal law. Additional information can be found on SECO web page.
A suspicion of fraud or corruption in Bosnia and Hercegovina can be reported to the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption and Coordination of the Fight against Corruption of BiH, Office of Transparency International in BiH or the prosecutor’s office in charge. Furthermore, public authorities (Indirect Taxation Authority, Police Administration and similar) have anti-corruption hotlines for anonymous reporting.
The SDC’s free magazine: Eine Welt

The last issue of the SDC’s free magazine Eine Welt (March 2017) brings two articles from Bosnia and Herzegovina - "From everyday life of..." („Aus dem Alltag von...") Barbara Dätwyler Scheuer, Director of Cooperation at the Embassy of Switzerland in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and "Alternative Postcard from Sarajevo" signed by Sandra Zlotrg, who explains why the center of her hometown isn’t where most tourists would expect.
Eine Welt brings quarterly documentaries, facts and background information worldwide (available in German, French and Italian).
Stories from the Internet

Surf smart and without stress! Meet our completely normal crazy family: We are the Websters! The adventures of Julia, Seb, Max, Grandpa, Mum and Dad show you how to enjoy a safe surfing experience.
Smart electronic devices and the internet offer great opportunities – if we surf smart. To inform kids and their parents about such opportunities and risks, the Swiss Government has created the website and comic book “Stories from the Internet” in all four Swiss languages and in English. The website and the comic book are now also available in the three official languages of Bosnia and Hercegovina.
Please have a look at The Websters where the comics are available online, and as a comic book for download. The comic book can be downloaded from the web sites of the BiH Ministry of Communication and Transport and the NGO International Forum of Solidarity – Emmaus ( and and of course here from the Website of the Embassy of Switzerland in BiH.
Horizons magazine: Researching fairness

Horizons, the Swiss research magazine, brings you the latest science news and discusses current research policy issues in an international context. Horizons is published four times a year by the Swiss National Science Foundation in collaboration with the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences.
German and French versions are published in print form, and an English version is available online.
The Swiss Confederation – a brief guide

‘The Swiss Confederation - a brief guide' (PDF, 84 Pages, 10.4 MB) contains information about Switzerland's political system, the administration and its judicial authorities. In addition to explaining the workings of the state it also provides an insight into the activities of the Federal Administration. ‘The Swiss Confederation - a brief guide' is available as a brochure and as an app for tablets and smartphones.
SECO Accountability Report

Switzerland's economic development cooperation is effective and achieves good results. At the same time, the global context is becoming more complex. Some approaches fail and have to be changed.
The report SECO takes stock 2012-2015 comprises our most important results, project examples from our partner countries, statements by beneficiaries and information on challenges and perspectives of economic development cooperation.
You can find the electronic version of SECO takes stock 2012-2015 on the following link.
The SDC’s free magazine: Eine Welt

In the last issue of the SDC’s free magazine Eine Welt (December 2015) is published an article "Warning as a Chance“ („Verwarnung als Chance") about new juvenile criminal law of Bosnia and Herzegovina which enable reintegration into the society to the young offenders.
Eine Welt brings quarterly documentaries, facts and background information worlsdwide (available in German, French and Italian).