2010, Switzerland, 83 min.
D: Pierre Maillard
4th March, Friday| 19:00
TOLDI Room 1
French with English subtitles
The 8th Budapest Architecture Film Days is about to start. It is the 8th time that the Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre (KÉK) has organised this unique festival. It was the first in the region and since its early days it has since evolved into Europe’s second biggest architecture-related film event.
The SANAA architecture studio won the tender from the new Hungarian National Gallery. How is this going to turn out? Is it a chance for Budapest to slowly appear on the radar of contemporary architecture? It is too early to tell. But we could construct a more established opinion by getting acquainted with the works of the renowned Japanese architects and the tradition that they build upon. This venture is aided by the selection.
Told through the eyes of Yumiko Yamada, a young Japanese architect living in Lausanne who follows the Swiss film Le paysage intérieur every step of the way, the viewer becomes acquainted with the players of a major architectural adventure: the construction of the Learning Center at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne. Through Yumiko’s encounters we learn more about the architectural and technical tour de force embodied in this avant-garde building – designed by the Japanese architecture firm SANAA – and how important the educational, symbolic, financial and political deliberations were for this enterprise.
Screened together with 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art.
Screening and discussion on the implementability of grandiose architecture visions (with Béla Bánáti, Zoltán Erő, Attila Bujdosó and János Golda).