In the framework of the Design Week Budapest Open Studios program, KÉK’s guest will be Lars Müller, founder of the renowned Swiss publishing house. Last year he donated a personal selection to KÉK’s library.In the framework of the Design Week Budapest Open Studios program, KÉK’s guest will be Lars Müller, founder of the renowned Swiss publishing house. Last year he donated a personal selection to KÉK’s library. In his lecture Lars Müller poses the hypothetical question of to what extent we can renounce physical and analogue experiences without losing our sense for reality. The real-time experience as a sensual sensation has gone out of style. It is about time to get it back. The new avant-garde is analogue. Lars Müller will also talk about the Swiss modernist movement and how it influenced his education on October 13th at 7 p.m.. He will show examples of his books and explain why he so strongly believes in the analogue.
Lars Müller, born in Oslo in 1955 and based in Switzerland, trained as a graphic designer. In 1983 he started publishing books on architecture, design, art and photography. He is a passionate educator and has taught at various universities, since 2009 as a guest lecturer at Harvard’s Graduate School of Design.
In addition to holding a lecture and a workshop in the same week, his latest books will be available for purchase in the framework of the Lars Müller Publishers Nomadic Bookstore series.