Job vacancies

The Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) regulary seeks qualified and motivated employees.

Job vacancies will be published through the state job web portal. You can tailor your search towards your requirements through various search criteria.

State job portal (de, fr, it)

The Embassy of Switzerland in New Delhi as the official representation of Switzerland in India is looking for a Sector Lead Disaster Risk Management (DRM) (100%) (PDF, 3 Pages, 497.0 kB, English) for the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) of “Strengthening Climate Change Adaptation in Himalayas (SCA-Himalayas)” of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

Deadline for submission of application: 25.07.2024

Warning: Fraudulent Job Offers

Fraudulent job offers for lucrative employment in Switzerland requesting payment in advance are increasing.

The Embassy recommends extreme caution. 

Before disclosing any information or transferring any amount of money, please carefully consider the credibility of such proposals and the credentials of their authors.