Involvement of citizens in national and local political processes is fundamental for the functioning of a democracy. Switzerland is supporting the efforts undertaken by Kyrgyzstan to make political institutions at all levels more inclusive, more transparent and more accountable.
The Swiss engagement in local governance, together with local partners, has increased the participation of citizens, among which a substantial number of women, in budgetary processes. This has increased in municipalities where Swiss projects are implemented the level of citizen satisfaction towards local governments. The model developed with the support of Switzerland was institutionalized in national legislation. Switzerland supports the country in improvement of basic public services, especially for disadvantaged population groups. At the national level, Switzerland has been supporting the Kyrgyz authorities in strengthening the management of public finances.
Further reforms are needed to ensure that these achievements are consolidated and last in the long term. More specifically, the Swiss cooperation will provide support to Kyrgyzstan to increase public service coverage at local level and to review intergovernmental fiscal relations and to continue to improve public financial management. Targeted actions will also be undertaken to reinforce the parliamentary system to enable citizens to hold their government and the parliament accountable.