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President Amherd to represent Switzerland at fourth meeting of the European Political Community

15.07.2024 — Press releases Europa
On Thursday, 18 July, President Viola Amherd will attend the fourth meeting of the European Political Community (EPC), which will take place at the historic Blenheim Palace in the market town of Woodstock in southern England. In addition to the UK and Switzerland, 45 states, the institutions of the European Union (EU) and other organisations will also attend the meeting.

Chief of Armament signs application for membership with regard to accession to the European Sky Shield Initiative (ESSI)

09.07.2024 — Press releases Europa
The Federal Council wants to join the European Sky Shield Initiative (ESSI) and thus increase opportunities for international cooperation in ground-based air defence. Following the decision of the Federal Council, Chief of Armament Urs Loher now signed an application for membership addressed to the Chairperson of the ESSI on 8 July 2024. All member states of ESSI can now express themselves on the application, after which Switzerland can sign the statement of accession.

“D-A-CH” meeting on the security policy situation

02.07.2024 — Press releases Europa
President Viola Amherd, head of the DDPS, is attending the annual high-level meeting of the defence ministers of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The meeting takes place on 2 and 3 July in Vienna.

Switzerland–EU: Federal Council takes stock of current negotiations

26.06.2024 — Press releases EDA
At its meeting on 26 June 2024, the Federal Council took stock of the negotiations with the EU and the internal implementation of the package which aims to stabilise and further develop the bilateral path. While tangible progress has been made in several areas, in others, such as immigration and wage protection, the positions of the two sides have not yet converged sufficiently. Meanwhile parallel discussions continue in Switzerland with interest groups on key sectors. Work permits for postings and cross-border services of more than 90 days

25.06.2024 — Press releases Europa
On 19 June 2024, the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) again expanded, the online desk for companies. EasyGov will become a UID service for foreign companies as part of the 'Integration of reports and permits to pursue employment under the law on foreign nationals' programme. Furthermore, it is now possible to apply on the portal for permits for postings of more than 90 days for employees from companies based abroad and for self-employed service providers from abroad, in the canton of Zurich.

Personenfreizügigkeit: Hohe Zuwanderung bei wachsender Beschäftigung

24.06.2024 — Press releases Europa
Vor dem Hintergrund robusten Beschäftigungswachstums und tiefer Arbeitslosigkeit war die Nachfrage nach ausländischen Arbeitskräften im Jahr 2023 hoch. Die Zuwanderung ist dabei auch Folge der demografischen Entwicklung und einer bereits guten Ausschöpfung der Arbeitskräftepotenziale im Inland. Dies zeigt der 20. Bericht des Observatoriums zum Freizügigkeitsabkommen in einer internationalen Einordnung der Arbeitsmigration in die Schweiz.

Federal Council adopts dispatch on amendment of double taxation agreement with Germany

14.06.2024 — Press releases Europa
During its meeting on 14 June 2024, the Federal Council adopted the dispatch on the protocol of amendment to the double taxation agreement (DTA) with Germany. The protocol adapts the DTA to various changes in the needs of the contracting states and implements the minimum standards from the base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) project with regard to DTAs.

Swiss president meets Portugal’s president and prime minister

12.06.2024 — Press releases Europa
President Viola Amherd met Portugal’s President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa and Prime Minister Luís Montenegro on Wednesday, 12 June. The talks in Bern focused on the countries’ close bilateral relations, European policy, the upcoming summit on peace in Ukraine and cooperation between Switzerland and Portugal at multilateral level.

Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis to attend third Ukraine Recovery Conference in Berlin

10.06.2024 — Press releases EDA
Switzerland has been supporting the recovery and reconstruction process in Ukraine since the start of the war. In line with this commitment, Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis will attend the third Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC) in Berlin on 11 and 12 June 2024, following on from the URCs in Lugano (2022) and London (2023). The Berlin conference will focus, among other things, on private sector involvement, social aspects and the promotion of local and regional development.

Flankierende Massnahmen und Schwarzarbeitsbekämpfung: Kontrollziele im Jahr 2023 erfüllt

10.06.2024 — Press releases Europa
Die Vollzugsorgane haben im Rahmen der flankierenden Massnahmen (FlaM) und des Bundesgesetzes gegen die Schwarzarbeit (BGSA) ihre Kontrollen im Jahr 2023 ohne pandemiebedingte Einschränkungen und mit vollem Ressourceneinsatz durchgeführt. Das FlaM-Mindestkontrollziel wurde erneut erreicht. Ein Rückblick zeigt, wie sich das FlaM-Schutzdispositiv in den letzten zwanzig Jahren stetig weiterentwickelt und neuen Gegebenheiten angepasst hat.

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