Consulate General of Switzerland in Cape Town

The Consulate General in Cape Town is the first point of contact for all consular services for Swiss citizens living in the provinces of the Eastern Cape, Northern Cape and Western Cape.
Important information for Swiss nationals living abroad
In order for us to provide you with the latest information from Switzerland at all times, please always inform us of all address changes (including e-mail addresses) through the online desk or by sending an email to capetown@eda.admin.ch .
NEW: Through their “SWI plus” app, Swissinfo provides Swiss citizens living abroad and other interested parties with information and news about Switzerland. This app is now also available in English, free of charge for downloading from the app stores. The focus is on daily news relevant for the Swiss community.
For more information, please visit Swissinfo
SWI plus for Android
SWI plus for iOS
Visa information regarding entry/travelling to Switzerland and entry requirements for transit air travel
For further information please click here
Instructions relating to phishing data from the Swiss Abroad: Phishing
Warning to Swiss Bank Account Holders
Swiss citizens living in South Africa have lately become victims of banking frauds. The perpetrators get access to details from Swiss or Liechtenstein banking accounts (names, addresses, signatures, credit balance, etc.) and use this information to forge orders to transfer money to bank accounts in Asia. To prevent such cases, the Consulate General of Switzerland recommends Swiss or Liechtenstein bank account holders to be vigilant with their banking identity details and to request their bank not to send correspondence via postal service and not to process any written money transfer order without prior consultation of the bank account owner via the telephone number that is lodged with the bank (not the one on the instructions).