DRC: Building resilience of Yemeni communities through integrated water resource management and provision of water supply, sanitation and hygiene services

Through the proposed intervention, the climate and conflict resilience of displacement-affected Yemeni in targeted locations will be reinforced through sustainable and community-led integrated water resource management (IWRM), sustainable water and sanitation systems, provision of multipurpose cash assistance (MPCA) and improved technical and institutional capacity of local partners. 

Land/Region Thema Periode Budget
Humanitäre Hilfe & DRR
Sexuelle & geschlechterbasierte Gewalt
Schutz, Zugang & Sicherheit
01.12.2022 - 30.11.2025
CHF  1’830’245

Yemen remains one of the world’s largest humanitarian crises with an estimated 23.4 million people in need of some form of humanitarian assistance or protection in 2022, with over 60% of the population estimated to be experiencing acute food insecurity. The humanitarian crisis, primarily driven by continued conflict, climate emergency, economic collapse, and fuel crisis has been exacerbated by critical funding gaps, and global inflation causing food insecurity and malnutrition; with the ratio of women and children affected considered to be one of the highest in the world.

In addition, Yemen is facing a severe water crisis due to high population growth, lack of water regulation enforcement, growth of water intensive qat, high vulnerability to climate change and armed conflict. According to reports from the National Water Resource Authority, the amount of water needed during the next decade to meet the growing demand for water in Yemen is estimated at 6 billion cubic meters per year with a deficit of more than 3 billion cubic meters. The projected increase in the severity and frequency of extreme rainfall events, flash floods, and erosion requires therefore strengthening the climate resilience of infrastructure and integrated water resources management at the local level in order to tackle some of those challenges.

Finally, the targeted areas of this project, Hajjah and Hodeidah governorates, are highly vulnerable to climate change and conflict over resources due to the nature of their landscape configuration and the fact that they host the majority of IDPs.

Ziele Climate and conflict resilience of displacement affected Yemeni is reinforced through sustainable community-led Integrated Water Resource Management.

The most vulnerable HHs in selected communities (in Hajjah and Hodeidah governorates), with attention on the socio economically vulnerable IDPs and host communities with particular focus on women, women headed HHs, Persons with Disabilities and minorities.

The project will directly reach approximately 79,765 beneficiaries.

Indirect beneficiaries: the project is expected to reach 100,000 beneficiaries. 

Mittelfristige Wirkungen

Outcome 1: Improved IWRM through community-led governance is reducing the exposure to natural disaster and enhancing climate change adaptions to strengthen communities’ resilience.

Outcome 2: Public health of the most vulnerable population in targeted areas is improved through sustainable water and sanitation systems and practices.

Outcome 3: Extremely vulnerable households (HHs) are meeting their basic needs through provision of MPCA.

Outcome 4: Local partners’ technical and institutional capacities are improved to better manage water resources.


Erwartete Resultate:  

1.1)    Rangeland are improved to increase carrying capacities.

1.2)    Duty-bearers related to IWRM are assessed and supported to better manage their area’s water resources.

1.3)    IWRM plans are handed over to trained local committees.

1.4)    IWRM plans are identified and implemented by communities.

1.5)    Knowledge produced is shared with relevant stakeholders.

2.1)    Water supply systems constructed or rehabilitated.

2.2)    Sanitation systems constructed/rehabilitated and Cleaning Fund/solid waste management are supported.

2.3)    WASH facilities in schools and health centres constructed/rehabilitated.

2.4)    Hygiene knowledge and practices are improved. 2.5: Water resources maintenance, O&M related capacities for local community committees and water authorities are built.

3.1)    Extremely vulnerable HHs are supported with MPCA to meet their needs and reduced reliance on negative coping mechanisms.

4.1)    Local partners have better capacities to implement IWRM projects and respond to the needs independently by the end of project.

Verantwortliche Direktion/Bundesamt DEZA
Projektpartner Vertragspartner
Internationale oder ausländische NGO
  • Andere internationale oder ausländische NGO Norden
  • Schweizerischer Privatsektor

Andere Partner
Danish Refugee Council
Koordination mit anderen Projekten und Akteuren WASH Cluster, SCMCHA, FSAC, CMWG, CCY, MoWE, MoAI, MoLA, Municipalities, GARWSP, communities and other NGOs working in the same target locations. 
Budget Laufende Phase Schweizer Beitrag CHF    1’830’245 Bereits ausgegebenes Schweizer Budget CHF    1’375’000
Projektphasen Phase 1 01.12.2022 - 30.11.2025   (Laufende Phase)