Facing COVID-19 together
Switzerland provides support to address health and socio-economic vulnerabilities of migrant and Egyptian children and their families, who are hit by the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. The implementing partner organisation “Save the children” is well positioned to help mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak, trough better access to primary health care, psycho-social support and multipurpose cash assistance.
Land/Region | Thema | Periode | Budget |
Ägypten |
Gesundheit Migration
Medizinische Dienstleistungen
Primäre Gesundheitsversorgung Migration allgemein (entwicklungspolitische Aspekte und Partnerschaften) |
- 25.09.2021 |
CHF 900’063
- Save the Children Federation
Sektor nach Kategorisierung des Entwicklungshilfeekomitees der OECD GESUNDHEIT
Sub-Sektor nach Kategorisierung des Entwicklungshilfeekomitees der OECD Medizinische Dienstleistungen
Ermöglichung der geregelten, sicheren und verantwortungsvollen Migration und Mobilität
Querschnittsthemen Krisenprävention
Projekt unterstützt auch Verbesserungen in der Partnerorganisation
Unterstützungsform Projekt- und Programmbeitrag
Projektnummer 7F10524
Hintergrund |
- Egypt hosts a mixed migration population - estimated by IOM at 1 mio people, which live together with their host communities; - Increased socio economic vulnerability due to the COVID-19 outbreak touches migrants equally whether they have a legal status (refugees, asylum seekers) or not (irregular migrants); and ignores citizenship (Egyptian national or foreigners); - Vulnerable migrant and Egyptian children and their families lost access to vital primary health care services, including maternal, new-born, child and reproductive health as the national health care system becomes increasingly strained during the outbreak; - Vulnerable migrant and Egyptian children face increased protection risks, including family violence and negative coping mechanisms (child labour, early marriage); - Vulnerable migrant and Egyptian families, especially female-headed households are losing livelihoods and are at risk of being unable to meet their basic needs. |
Ziele | To enhance the resilience of vulnerable migrant and Egyptian children and their families, in the face of COVID-19 outbreak and other crises. |
Zielgruppen |
At least 75% of direct beneficiaries will be girls and women. Based on their socio-economic vulnerability as a consequence of the COVID-19 outbreak and not on their legal, migrants will make up 85% of all direct beneficiaries. - 1,700 families (approximately 5 members per family, which makes 8’500 individuals) will receive hygiene kits, mental health and psychosocial support and 700 of them will receive monthly cash transfers; - 500 Unaccompanied and Separated Children will receive emergency cash assistance and psychological support; - 100 community leaders. Health and social professionals: - 70 social workers in the national child protection system; - 500 public health care workers. |
Mittelfristige Wirkungen |
Outcome 1: Public health system is strengthened and vulnerable migrant and Egyptian children and their families have access to quality and lifesaving health care. Outcome 2: Vulnerable migrant and Egyptian children and their families protection needs are met through public psychosocial services. Outcome 3: Vulnerable migrant and Egyptian children and their families, especially female-headed households meet their basic needs. |
Resultate |
Erwartete Resultate: Output 1.1: Primary Health Clinics (PHCs) and Hospitals systems are strengthened and vulnerable migrant and Egyptian children and their families are able to access quality health care; Output 1.2: Vulnerable migrant and Egyptian children and their families become knowledgeable of proper hygiene and physical distancing practices to prevent further spreading COVID-19, and actively engaged in control and prevention measures; Output 2.1: 70 social workers at National Council of Childhood and Motherhood (NCCM) are trained and able to deliver quality services; Output 2.2: Vulnerable migrant and Egyptian children and their families have access to case management and Mental Health Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) services; Output 3.1: Unaccompanied and Separated Children (UASC) and families, especially female-headed households, have access to monthly, multi-purpose cash transfers. |
Verantwortliche Direktion/Bundesamt |
Kreditbereich |
Entwicklungszusammenarbeit |
Projektpartner |
Vertragspartner Internationale oder ausländische NGO Andere Partner Save the Children |
Koordination mit anderen Projekten und Akteuren |
- Ministry of Health and Population; - Ministry of Social Solidarity; - National Council for Childhood and Motherhood; - United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees UNHCR; - United Nations Children’s Fund UNICEF; - International Organization of Migration IOM; - St. Andrew Refugee Center; - Psychosocial Services and Training Institute in Cairo. |
Budget | Laufende Phase Schweizer Beitrag CHF 900’063 Bereits ausgegebenes Schweizer Budget CHF 886’924 |
Projektphasen |
Phase 1 25.08.2020 - 25.09.2021 (Completed) |