Past events (122)
Accumulation / Consideration of Values
Saturday, 07.07.2018
Tuesday, 03.07.2018
Location: Budapest, Ráday utca 47.
Design Without Borders - 13. madeinhungary + 6. MeeD
Thursday, 14.06.2018
Sunday, 26.08.2018
Location: Új Budapest Galéria (Bálna), 1093 Budapest, Fővám tér 11–12.
AquaPhone 2018
Saturday, 09.06.2018
Saturday, 09.06.2018
At the beginning of the nineteen fifties, the bridge between Štúrovo (Slovakia) and Esztergom (Hungary) was in ruins.
Location: Sturovo and Esztergom
Ballet Company of Győr: The Scarlet Letter
Thursday, 29.03.2018
Thursday, 29.03.2018
Location: MÜPA, Fesztivál Színház, 1095 Budapest, Komor Marcell u. 1.
8 months in Hungary – An exhibition by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
Friday, 02.03.2018
Thursday, 29.03.2018
8 panels to shortly tell 8 months of the International Committee of the Red Cross’ activities on behalf of Jewish population in Budapest during WWII. The period chosen is a crucial one, as it starts with the German occupation of Hungary in March 1944 (and then the beginning of the mass deportations, in particular to Auschwitz-Birkenau) and it goes to the seizure of power by the Nazi Arrow Cross Party in October 1944. Each panel is illustrated by documents from the ICRC Archives.
Location: Metropolitan Ervin Szabó library (1088 Budapest, Szabó Ervin tér 1.)
Art Brut around the World
Tuesday, 27.02.2018
Friday, 06.04.2018
Location: Budapest Art Brut Galéria, Budapest VIII.kerület Üllői út 60-62.
Encounter between Ágnes Heller und Agnes Hirschi «Under Swiss Protection»
Thursday, 22.02.2018
Thursday, 22.02.2018,
6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
«Under Swiss Protection» Surviving the war in Budapest as a young person A conversation with Ágnes Heller and Agnes Hirschi
Location: Spiegelsaal Andrássy Gyula German-language University Budapest, Festetics Palota, 1088 Budapest, Pollack Mihály tér 3.
Balázs Fülei & Camerata Bern
Thursday, 08.02.2018
Thursday, 08.02.2018
Location: Liszt Music Academy, Big Hall (1061 Budapest, Liszt Ferenc tér 8.)
Vortex Ensemble at the Trafó House of Contemporary Arts
Saturday, 13.01.2018
Saturday, 13.01.2018
Location: Trafó 1094 Budapest, Liliom u. 41.
Vertigo Trombone Quartet in Opus Jazz Club
Wednesday, 13.12.2017
Wednesday, 13.12.2017
Location: Opus Jazz Club, 1093 Budapest, Mátyás utca 8.
Diatribes at the Kék Ló
Monday, 20.11.2017
Monday, 20.11.2017
Location: Ruin pub Kék Ló
Piano duo Soós-Haag at the Liszt-Festival in Gödöllö
Friday, 20.10.2017
Friday, 20.10.2017
Location: Gödöllö, Ungarn
Start of page
Last update 19.12.2018