Consolidation Local Organic Certification Bodies in Eastern Europe

Organic is a rapidly growing global business with growth rates in consumption of around 5 to 10% in industrialized countries. For the sound development of the organic sector in SECO partner countries, credible and affordable local organic certification services play a key role.

Country/region Period Budget
North Macedonia
01.10.2013 - 31.12.2018
CHF  1’580’000

The market for organic certification services is very dynamic. The majority of certification bodies is located in the main markets in Europe, North America, Japan and China, and most of them are operating nationally or regionally. The core business of a certification body is usually on organic certification. To stay competitive, however, they have to offer a broader range of sustainability and quality certificates which goes in hand with a costly quality management system. The project "consolidation of the local organic certification bodies" helps to make certification bodies more competitive by developing a stronger business strategy.


The project aims at facilitating the integration of SMEs into world trade through certified organic products by strengthening the competitiveness of local certification bodies.

Medium-term outcomes

Local organic certification bodies in Eastern Europe, and India offer efficient, market-oriented certification services based on a strengthened business strategy that ensures economic sustainability. A policy framework conducive to the development of the organic sector in the target countries is supported.


Expected results:  

Business management skills of the certification bodies are strengthened.

The service portfolio of the certification bodies is diversified and expanded.

An on-line training platform for certification bodies is established.

Transparency on the certification status of organic companies and producers is established with a publicly accessible international database.

Marketing and public relations of the certification bodies are improved.

Business partnerships among certification bodies are facilitated.

A legal framework conducive to organic agriculture is supported if there is an official request of the partner Government.

Up-to-date export information for organic stakeholders is available on the world-wide-web.

Results from previous phases:  

First phase projects to establish locally owned, credible and commercially viable organic certification bodies were conducted in Eastern Europe, India and Lebanon.

Directorate/federal office responsible SECO
Credit area Development cooperation
Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    1’580’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    0 Budget inclusive project partner CHF    2’240’000
Project phases

Phase 5 01.10.2013 - 31.12.2018   (Active)