Climate Change is the most existential challenge humanity has ever faced. Its impacts have no geographical boundaries. The Asia region is regularly and increasingly affected by severe climatic events – both extreme events and slow changes – which endanger present and future achievements development gains and have full-fledged consequences on a global scale. Climate change adaptation and mitigation are both crucial to development cooperation in India, and most of SDC’s projects address both aspects in parallel. SDC capitalizes on its long-term engagement and on internationally recognised Swiss know-how to develop innovative solutions, implement projects, and replicate and scale-up experiences in various parts of India and other countries in the region. The projects have supported the development of government policies, standards and codes, pilot demonstrations and have strengthened the capacities of public and private players.
Low Carbon Development
SDC’s projects in the field of low carbon development in India focus on passive cooling and thermal comfort in buildings through the introduction of innovative technologies and materials, improved energy efficiency and uptake of renewable energy. SDC is also working at the city level on urban heat islands, waste management, sustainable transportation and air quality management. The outcomes and successes contribute greatly to India’s Low-Carbon Development Strategy.
Climate Resilient Development
Building resilience and enhancing adaptive capacities of states, cities and vulnerable communities is central to SDC’s engagement in India. This is achieved by facilitating policy dialogues to integrate climate risks into development planning, supporting sensitisation, training and capacity building of local communities and institutions, and facilitating access to adaptation finance. The aim is to embed climate change considerations in the design and implementation of states’ and national programmes in key sectors such as water resource management, agriculture and food security, forestry and biodiversity conservation and urban development.