Paintings, Sculptures and Objects of the Prince of Liechtenstein - Rubens and other Masters

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Saturday, 12.12.2015 – Sunday, 10.04.2016


Paintings, Sculptures and Objects of the Prince of Liechtenstein
© National Museum of Korea

The National Museum of Korea is staging a special exhibition for the Flemish Baroque Art. The exhibition will present the masterpieces by Peter Paul Rubens, Anthonis van Dyck, Pieter/Jan Brueghel and other great artists from the Collections of the Prince of Liechtenstein, Vaduz-Vienna.

A key aspect of this ambitious exhibition is to explore Rubens and other Flemish-Dutch Artists in depth and to illuminate their influence on artists of subsequent generations. Over 120 selected works will be displayed from the Liechtenstein Collections which is the one of the most significant private collections in the world encompassing a number of magnificent Flemish and Dutch Art works as well as the Baroque master Rubens’s best-loved works, Portrait of Clara Serena Rubens and The Discovery of the Infant Erichthonius. With these famous paintings, the show features remarkable sculptures, tapestries, engravings and applied art covering Renaissance, Baroque and Dutch Golden Age.

The exhibition will provide a unique opportunity to encounter precious masterpieces of European art.

National Museum of Korea 

Location: National Museum of Korea (Special Exhibition Gallery I, II)