Switzerland's implementation of the 2030 Agenda follows a four-year policy cycle. The main elements of Switzerland's policy are set out in the 2030 Sustainable Development Strategy (2030 SDS) and its country report to the UN.
Policy Cycle and responsibilities

Strategy: The 2030 Sustainable Development Strategy (2030 SDS) is the Federal Council's main instrument for implementing the 2030 Agenda. It sets out the priorities, goals and strategies for achieving the SDGs by 2030. The strategy has a ten-year timeframe, thereby ensuring long-term planning security and continuity. At the beginning of each legislative period, the Federal Council adopts a new action plan with measures for the 2030 SDS. The Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications DETEC has the lead in implementing the strategy.
Implementation: At federal level, the 2030 Agenda and the 2030 SDS are implemented at sectoral level by the relevant federal agencies. The 2030 SDS Action Plan complements existing measures and closes gaps in order to achieve the SDGs. The Confederation maintains close partnerships with the cantons and communes to ensure implementation at local level, supporting them and other major players with a range of funding programmes. By means of communication formats set up by DETEC, such as the Sustainable Development Forum and Dialogue 2030, dialogue between players is promoted and examples of successful implementation projects can be shared.
Monitoring and evaluation: The MONET 2030 monitoring system is used to track the status of sustainable development nationally and provides a basis for reporting. MONET 2030 is run by the Federal Departement of Home Affaires FDHA. At local level (in the cantons and communes), changes in sustainable development over time are tracked by the Cercle Indicateurs indicator system, which is managed jointly by DETEC and the FDHA. The 2030 SDS will also be regularly evaluated in order to assess its impact and identify ways of improving it.
Reporting: The implementation status of the 2030 Agenda will be assessed mid-way through the legislative period. A country report detailing the key results will be submitted to the UN. The annual UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) discusses the progress made by member states and developments at a global level. The Federal Departement of Foreign Affaires FDFA is responsible for the mid-term assessment, the country report and participation in the HLPF.