Call for Proposals

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Local news, 27.12.2021

The overall objective of Switzerland’s International Cooperation in the South Caucasus is that people of the region benefit from a sustainable and inclusive economic and social development, democratic public institutions, human security, peace and increased climate change resilience through enhanced regional dialogue and cooperation.

The Swiss Cooperation Office (SCO) in Azerbaijan calls for proposals by art people and organizations based in Azerbaijan to submit art and cultural project ideas in one of the following areas, or a combination of them:

Gender Equality

Environment and Climate Change



For more information and templates (proposal and budget) see the attached documents:

Announcement (PDF, 2 Seiten, 342.7 kB, Englisch) 

Proposal template (DOCX, 1 Seite, 27.5 kB, Englisch)

Budget template (XLSX, 14.0 kB, Englisch)