Über das Schweizer Kooperationsbüro - Hub Lima werden auf regionaler Ebene Programme zu den Themen Wasser, Klimawandel und Katastrophenprävention umgesetzt. Humanitäre Hilfe wird in Boliva im Falle von Katastrophen über die Gruppe für rasche Intervention und Unterstützung (GIAR), ein dezentrales Krisenreaktionsinstrument der DEZA für Lateinamerika und die Karibik, geleistet.
Multi-Hazard Early Warning and Early Action in the Andes
- 31.12.2027
This project aims to increasing resilience to disasters through multi-hazard early warning systems and government-led early actions. It will build on experiences in selected watersheds in Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador, while promoting exchange through a regional and global Community of Practice including Swiss expertise at the forefront of technological alarm systems. The initiative shall serve to influence policies and financing mechanisms necessary to successfully implement anticipatory actions.
Andean Regional Initiative on Adaptation to Climate Change (ARIACC)
- 31.08.2027
ARIACC aims to increase the resilience of Andean Family Agriculture to climate change by improving the implementation of relevant policies, building capacity, leveraging investments, scaling innovative practices and promoting regional and global knowledge exchange. Close multisectoral collaboration will ensure the sustainability and scaling of the initiative. The project builds on longstanding SDC experience in the region and consolidates successful achievements of Phase 1 while sharing them globally.
Strengthening Capacities for Energy Efficiency in Buildings in Latin America - Phase 2 (CEELA)
- 31.05.2027
The Strengthening Capacities for Energy Efficiency in Buildings in Latin America (CEELA) project will contribute to avoiding CO2 emissions in the building sector and improve thermal comfort for building occupants in Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico and Peru. The focus is on capacity building for real estate developers and on supporting legal frameworks and financing mechanisms for green buildings. The project will further promote Minergie, the Swiss quality standard for sustainable buildings.
Strengthening access to financial mechanisms for disaster risk management in four Andean countries
- 14.11.2027
Subnational authorities in Peru and Ecuador responsible for DRM strengthen their capacities to access central government finance for DRM. The project will provide guidance in developing and accessing funding from existing public, public-private and multilateral DRM funds based on prior country diagnostics. A complementing Community of Practice (Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia and Colombia) fosters exchange of experiences and lessons learned. This is expected to result in enhanced access to available financial resources for DRM for project beneficiaries.
DRR Backstopping Services for the Regional DRR & RR Programme in Peru
- 31.12.2025
The backstopping services aims at supporting the Regional Programme for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Rapid Response (RR) of SDC’s Regional Hub Lima by providing specific DRR and RR expertise by a number of selected backstoppers and experts and hence to contribute to further strengthen and position the DRR and RR Programme as a DRR and RR center of competence in the region.
Strengthening policy dialogue on DRR & RR of Andean countries
- 31.10.2025
The project aims at strengthening policy dialogue on Disaster Risk Reduction and Rapid Response among Andean countries in particular and within the Latin America countries in general. The participation of SDC’s key partners in DRR and humanitarian events (e.g. the yearly Humanitarian Network and Partnership Week) will facilitate knowledge exchange, experience sharing and increased collaboration within the region. The project will further contribute to this by engaging in knowledge management supporting regional policy dialogue, and by financially contributing to specific events.
Regional Protection and Migration Programme
- 15.11.2025
Latin America faces the second largest forced displacement crisis in the world with 7.1 million people forcibly displaced from Venezuela, Central America, the Caribbean and other continents. 6.2 million more are displaced in their own country. Persons in human mobility need protection against gender-based violence, exploitation and exclusion. In Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, Switzerland addresses causes and consequences of displacement, providing aid, striving for integration and supporting actors to protect the most vulnerable.
Climate and Clean Air in Latin American Cities Plus Programme Phase 2 (CALAC+ 2)
- 31.07.2025
Phase 2 of the Climate and Clean Air in Latin American Cities Plus Programme (CALAC+) will support the consolidation and implementation of local and national measures to reduce emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases (GHG) from urban transport and non-road mobile machinery to protect the climate and human health. CALAC+ will foster normative and technological changes through regional cooperation, building on Swiss expertise, and share the programme’s experience at the global level.
Building Regional Adaptive capacity and resilience to climate variability and change in Vulnerable sectors in the Andes (BRAVA)
- 31.12.2026
SDC contributes to the World Meteorological Organisation’s ENANDES project, aiming to increase the resilience of 6 Latin-American countries to climate change. With the support of Swiss researchers and experts from MeteoSwiss, the project will increase the predictive capabilities of the responsible national authorities and support co-design of Weather, Water and Climate Services across the region, to the benefit of the local population, including the most vulnerable.
El Agua Nos Une - Water stewardship: evidence-based decisions
- 31.03.2026
Based on Switzerland’s decade long experience on private sector engagement and empowerment of public institutions, El Agua Nos Une programme focuses on strengthening evidence-based decisions for better water governance, in 4 Latin American countries. It envisions systemic change towards corporate water use efficiency and pollution mitigation, mobilizing stakeholders and investments in ecosystem preservation; contributing to a more equitable society and responsible water use.
Sustainable and Innovative Rural Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (SIRWASH)
- 31.03.2025
The Sustainable and Innovative Rural Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (SIRWASH) initiative improves enabling policy, innovation and knowledge environments and fosters the required capacities to provide sustainable quality water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services to rural communities – in particular poor households and vulnerable people – in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Haiti and Peru. It builds on Switzerland’s over 20 years of experience in strengthening rural WASH systems in Peru and Colombia.
Swiss Better Gold Initiative, Phase III
- 30.06.2025
SECO and the Swiss Better Gold Association (SBGA) promote the creation of value chains for responsibly sourced gold from artisanal and small-scale mines through a public-private partnership called the Swiss Better Gold Initiative.