Scaling up of the comprehensive model of water and sanitation for promotion of territorial peace to rural areas of 6 departments of the country (ASIR-SABA)

Progetto concluso

SDC will continue, on one hand, supporting the implementation of the institutional strengthening plans in Valle and Cauca in order to guarantee the closing of processes that initiated during the phase 1. On the other hand, the scaling-up of the technical assistance model proposed by SABA will start in la Guajira, Boyacá, Antioquia and Nariño. This project aims to contribute to peacebuilding in rural territories though improving the quality of life of the rural population, through differential schemes that allow sustainable management for the provision of water and sanitation (W & S).

Paese/Regione Tema Periodo Budget
Igieniche d'aqua
Approvvigionamento idrico
Conservazione delle risorse idriche
06.02.2018 - 30.03.2021
CHF  1’380’000
Contesto The targeted departments (Boyacá, Cauca, La Guajira, Nariño, Antioquia and Valle del Cauca) have been characterized by gaps in access to water and sanitation in rural areas and high rates of poverty. Also, have been historically affected by the armed conflict, which, despite the signature of the peace agreement with the FARC, has intensified on occasion to the reconfiguration of the other illegal armed actors which dispute territorial control and illicit economies (drug trafficking and mining) in areas of this region that were formerly influence by the FARC-EP.
In spite of the progresses on the territorial spaces for demobilization and concentration of former FARC combatants, the state response related to the implementation of the Peace Agreement has been insufficient due to operational and financial constraints. In order to advance in peacebuilding and take advantage of the Ministry of Housing’s commitment, there is an opportunity to ensure adequate and complementary interventions and to contribute to closing the gap in access to basic services and sustainable livelihoods in these rural areas.
Obiettivi Improving the quality of life of the rural population, through differential schemes that allow sustainable management for the provision of W&S and through this contribute to the peacebuilding
Gruppi target

Directly: 24.207 people from the departments of Valle del Cauca, Cauca, la Guajira, Boyacá, Antioquia and Nariño benefiting from aqueducts and sanitation systems, as well as local institutions benefiting from   the strengthening plans.

Indirectly: 1.108.471 inhabitants of the 6 departments.

Effetti a medio termine Outcome 1: (Advocacy)
Institutions of the rural Water & Sanitation – W & S sector are coordinated at the different levels (national, departmental and municipal).
Outcome 2: (access, coverage, quality and sustainability)
Sustainable management for the provision of water and sanitation in the rural areas prioritized by the project.
Outcome 3: (Peace building). Support in the peacebuilding process through the implementation of indicators of social inclusion and territorial development through the sustainable management of water and basic sanitation.

Risultati raggiunti:   • 5 Diagnostic and planning tools originated from the public policy of Drinking Water and Basic Sanitation, implemented in the areas of influence of the project.
• 3 II Level Organizations informed about the normative evolution in W & S in rural areas.
• 7 Infrastructure projects in W & S with financing.
• Support of fifteen (15) W & S demonstration projects through the guidelines of community water management (both in conventional and non-conventional systems) and in health education processes.
• At least 2 Technical Assistance Units created, in operation and incorporated in the municipalities of influence.
• 10 communities count with support in the implementation of the differential monitoring and surveillance strategy for water quality in rural areas.
• 16 municipalities count with impact indicators in territorial development and peacebuilding based on the guarantee of access to quality W & S in rural areas

Risultati principali attesi:   •5 Diagnostic and planning tools originated from the public policy of Drinking Water and Basic Sanitation, implemented in the areas of influence of the project.
•3 II Level Organizations informed about the normative evolution in W & S in rural areas.
•7 Infrastructure projects in W & S with financing.
•Support of fifteen (15) W & S demonstration projects through the guidelines of community water management (both in conventional and non-conventional systems) and in health education processes.
•At least 2 Technical Assistance Units created, in operation and incorporated in the municipalities of influence.
•10 communities count with support in the implementation of the differential monitoring and surveillance strategy for water quality in rural areas.
•16 municipalities count with impact indicators in territorial development and peacebuilding based on the guarantee of access to quality W & S in rural areas.

Risultati fasi precedenti:   •At the national level, inputs for the design of technical assistance resolution and rural regulation for water and sanitation (RWS) were provided.
•The strategy of institutional strengthening of community aqueducts (administrative, organizational, legal, and financial processes as support for the maintenance of water and sanitation systems) in Valle del Cauca is being replicated in 11 municipalities by the Departmental Water Plan through the transfer of methodologies to community aqueducts benefiting 21'176 people (M: 10 '164; W: 11'012).
•The component of municipal technical assistance in rural W & S began its scaling up by creating the unit in the municipalities of Buga and Santander de Quilichao benefiting 45'864 people (M: 22'473; W: 23'391). The Municipal Water and Sanitation Unit was launched in the Municipality of Santander de Quilichao.
•Through the studies and designs that were made viable by the Ministry of Housing, approx. USD 1'900'000 were approved with public resources for the construction of treatment plants and individual sanitation solutions for the communities of Culebras  (Trujillo) and Asoalma (Caloto) benefiting around 4’937 people (M: 2’420; W: 2’517).

Direzione/Ufficio responsabile DSC
Credito Aiuto umanitario
Partner del progetto Partner contrattuale
  • Corpo svizzero di aiuto umanitario

Altri partner

- IADB                                             
- AECID                                                           
- UNICEF                                  
- Community ethnic councils   
- Juntas de Acción Comunal

- Fondos del Agua
- Comisión de Regulación de Agua Potable y Saneamiento Básico (CRA)
- Private sector

Coordinamento con altri progetti e attori

- Ministry of Housing
- Superintendencia de Servicios Públicos Domiciliarios
- Environment Departmental Offices
- Municipal offices of Health, Planning and Infrastructure
- II level organizations (community aqueducts)
- Planes Departamentales de Agua
- Fundación Reto Colombia

- Ministry of Health
- National Department of Planning
- Agency for Renovation of Territory
- Universidades y otras instituciones educativas (ESAP, Unicauca, SENA, etc)
-Aguas Nacionales, Empresas Públicas de Medellin

Budget Fase in corso Budget Svizzera CHF    1’380’000 Budget svizzero attualmente già speso CHF    1’186’214 Progetto totale dalla prima fase Budget inclusi partner del progetto CHF   2’946’272
Fasi del progetto Fase 3 01.06.2020 - 30.06.2023   (Completed)

Fase 2 06.02.2018 - 30.03.2021   (Completed)

Fase 1 01.12.2014 - 31.12.2017   (Completed)