Switzerland and Montreux in Sátoraljaújhely

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Local news, 20.06.2015

The Embassy of Switzerland in Hungary together with the Swiss Contribution Office and a delegation from the Alphorn Academy of Switzerland representing the town of Montreux attended two events held in Sátoraljaújhely on 19 and 20 June 2015.

The delegation from the Alphorn Academy of Switzerland in front of the climbing wall © by Embassy of Switzerland
The delegation from the Alphorn Academy of Switzerland in front of the climbing wall

The implementation of a climbing centre as the newest element of the Zemplén Adventure Park of Sátoraljaújhely has been financed with 256.5 million Forint by the Swiss Contribution aiming to further develop tourism in this disadvantaged region. This climbing wall is the biggest of similar structures in Hungary, with a climbing surface of 400 square meters and with an outdoor height of 21 meters. At the inauguration of the climbing centre, the town of Sátoraljaújhely and its region was represented by the mayor, Péter Szamosvölgyi, and his deputy, Dénes Dankó and dr Richárd Hörcsik, member of the parliament. The Swiss donor was represented by Ambassador Jean-François Paroz, who, in his speech, commended on the tangible results achieved to date of the project entitled „Zemplén – the land of superlatives". In their turn, the musicians of the Alphorn Academy filled the big hall of the climbing center with their sonorous melodies.

The second day the delegation participated in the 13th International Game and Fish Cooking Contest, one of the biggest and most popular social events both for hunters and the general public in North-East Hungary. The alphorn band gave an open-air concert for hundreds of visitors who thoroughly enjoyed the impressive sound and melodies provided by this unique music instrument and also the presence of the spirited band. The “Swiss Cooking Team” of the Embassy was awarded the second prize with their boar filet with cherry sauce. On top of the culinary success, the Swiss-made William’s pear pálinka of André Loup of Montmagny, Vully-les-Lacs also received the second prize.

For strengthening the friendship and partnership between countries these kind of events are very important. It is also important that representatives of foreign countries be present at significant local events, Ambassador Paroz said in an interview with the local press.

Logo Swiss Contribution
Logo Swiss Contribution