Sustainable Landscape Program Indonesia

Redesigning how Indonesia produces agricultural commodities is central to slowing deforestation, climate change and reducing poverty.

Paese/Regione Periodo Budget
01.01.2023 - 31.12.2026
CHF  9’499’998

Indonesia is endowed with extraordinary natural assets and the agricultural sector employs around one-third of the Indonesian workforce (almost 40 million). While the agriculture sector plays a vital economic role, commodity producing regions are confronted with multiple development challenges such as environmental degradation and a high rural poverty incidence. This bilateral Program proposes to apply a so-called "landscape approach" which brings together key stakeholders from public, private and civil society sectors in a landscape to develop a common development agenda and holistically address these multifaceted development challenges.


The Program will contribute to well-governed sustainable landscapes in Indonesia that provide for improved agricultural production and thus income opportunities for the local population, which will at the same time benefit from intact natural ecosystems. This will eventually result in reducing rural poverty and greenhouse gas emissions. Under Component 1 of the Program, collaboration of relevant stakeholders is expected to lead to shared sustainability visions and action plans that will be implemented in 2 or 3 landscapes (=districts) in Kalimantan and/or Sumatra. Component 2 will bring the individual landscape projects together under the roof of a Program umbrella. The goal of Component 2 is to ensure a linkage between the work at the landscape level and the national level through enabling experience sharing across different stakeholders and landscapes.

Effetti a medio termine

Two to three selected district governments are enabled to take ownership and drive the change process, ensure multi-stakeholder participation and the implementation of landscape development action plans.

Natural ecosystems within the two to three districts are protected.

Productivity of local companies & smallholders has increased and is more sustainable.

The institutional framework in two or three districts incentivizes a sustainable use of agriculture and forest land.

Private investments in the two landscapes are increased.

Best-practices and experiences of the landscape work in the two-three districts have an impact beyond the Program


Risultati principali attesi:  

A shared entry-point for sustainably developing the landscape exists

District government employees coached and trained

An environment of good governance is established (create transparency, enable trust, develop institutions)

Commodity smallholders coached and trained

Landscape experience documented

Documents disseminated

Experience exchange for sub-national government employees enabled

Expertise input to relevant policy discussions on national and international level provided

Backstopping support to the projects implemented under Component 1

Risultati fasi precedenti:  

This is the first phase of the Sustainable Landscape Program Indonesia.

Direzione/Ufficio responsabile SECO
Budget Fase in corso Budget Svizzera CHF    9’499’998 Budget svizzero attualmente già speso CHF    0 Budget inclusi partner del progetto CHF    16’500’000
Fasi del progetto Fase 1 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2026   (Fase in corso)