Mental Health for All

Projekt abgeschlossen

In Ukraine, socio-economic factors, the protracted conflict, coupled with an oudated mental health care system result in a high prevalence and poor treatment of mental health disorders. This project supports the implementation of reforms in the mental healthcare sector by improving framework conditions, piloting integrated, communiry-based models of care and providing psychosocial support to communities affected by the ongoing conflict. 

Land/Region Thema Periode Budget
Psychische Gesundheit & Wohlergehen
01.04.2018 - 29.02.2024
CHF  8’075’000
Hintergrund The mental health system in Ukraine, inherited from the Soviet Union, is outdated and unable to respond to the needs of the population. The government spends about 2.5% of its total health sector budget (about CHF 203 per capita or CHF 3.5 billion per year) on mental health services (about CHF 5 per capita or CHF 88 million per year), mainly (89% of the 2.5%) to finance large state in-patient psychiatric hospitals, usually located in larger cities1. The quality of inpatient psychiatric facilities is generally low and care emphasizes pharmacological treatment, as opposed to a holistic approach focusing on recovery-oriented practices. At primary healthcare level, there is currently limited capability in managing even common mental health problems. There are also high levels of stigma associated with mild, moderate and severe mental disorders, creating significant challenges in ensuring access to diagnosis and appropriate treatment. SDC’s support aims at improving the regulatory framework for mental health, piloting integrated communitybased mental health services, reducing stigmatisation and providing psychosocial support to people affected by the ongoing armed conflict.
Ziele Improve the quality of care and psychosocial support for people living with mental health disorders in Ukraine.

Primary beneficiaries: The ultimate project beneficiaries are the general population, persons at risk of mental disorders or with mental health conditions and their families, conflict affected population, children, Internally Displaced Persons, low mobility groups, ageing and disable population.

Secondary beneficiaries will include psychiatrists, psychologists, family doctors, nurses, social workers, teachers and school psychologists at national, regional and local levels.

Indirect beneficiaries: Ministry of Health, Ministry of Social Policy, Ministry of Education and Science and their branches at different levels, Centre of Mental Health.

Mittelfristige Wirkungen

Outcome 1: National and oblast authorities provide an adequate legal framework, institutional support, coordination and leadership for community-based mental healthcare.

Outcome 2: Mental health service providers deliver evidence-based services which are accessible and coordinated across different sectors and levels of care.

Outcome 3: Ukrainian people are more aware of ways to prevent mental health disorders and are more open to use mental health services.


Erwartete Resultate:  

• At policy/institutional level: new mental health framework law elaborated and adopted; 12 mental health care treatment guidelines translated and published; inter-sectoral coordination mechanisms established and functioning.

• At service provision level: service providers at all levels have strengthened their capacities to deliver integrated and accessible, evidence-based mental health and psychosocial services. At least 30 mental health managers will gain new skills, 80 professionals per year will be outreached by the Mental Health Spring School and around 750 primary healthcare workers will be educated in a specific methodology to address mental health.

• At population level: Ukrainian people/general population and especially conflict affected population in different regions, are more aware of mental health disorders and more open to use available mental health services.

Resultate von früheren Phasen:   A thorough assessment of the gaps of the current mental health system and service provision allowed gathering essential data and information to validate a community-based approach to mental health service provision and to develop a solid baseline at the beginning of the first phase. To combine reform and conflict related issues, the project will initially target the western regions (Lviv) and subsequently the east (Lugansk and Donetsk) providing mental health and psychosocial support to communities and people affected be the conflict.

Verantwortliche Direktion/Bundesamt DEZA
Kreditbereich Ostzusammenarbeit
Projektpartner Vertragspartner
Internationale oder ausländische NGO
Ausländische staatliche Institution
  • Central State of South East
  • Andere internationale oder ausländische NGO Norden

Andere Partner

GFA Consulting Group GmbH

(consortium with Implemental Worldwide C.I.C., University Hospital of Psychiatry Zurich and in partnership with Institute of Mental Health of Ukrainian Catholic University)

Koordination mit anderen Projekten und Akteuren The project aligns with the mental health reform agenda (Ministry of Health, Ministry of Social Policy, Ministry of Education and Science). A close coordination with other stakeholders involved in mental health will also be ensured (WB, WHO, USAID, EU Delegation including international and national organisations working in the east with conflict affected population).
Budget Laufende Phase Schweizer Beitrag CHF    8’075’000 Bereits ausgegebenes Schweizer Budget CHF    7’834’463
Projektphasen Phase 2 01.03.2024 - 29.02.2028   (Laufende Phase)

Phase 1 01.04.2018 - 29.02.2024   (Completed)