Macedonia: Nature Conservation Programme

Project completed

Switzerland has developed a programme that will assist Macedonia in better managing its natural resources. Specifically, this programme will strengthen the Ministry of Environment, the Centre for Development of the East Planning (Bregalnica) Region and thirteen municipalities of that region to ensure the sustainable conservation of their natural resources in line with international standards. The programme is expected to generate an economic benefit for the population through proper conservation and protection initiatives.

Country/region Topic Period Budget
North Macedonia
Climate change and environment
Agriculture & food security
Water sector policy
Environmental policy
Agriculture value-chain development (til 2016)
01.11.2010 - 31.12.2016
CHF  3’840’870

The new legislation on nature conservation and protection imposes fulfilling the international treaties, conventions and EU directives requirements. The lack of resources (financial, human, technical) at central, regional and local level slows down moving from legislation to actual implementation of laws and strategies in place, hampering effective nature conservation.


The main stakeholders on national, regional and local level effectively conserve the natural resources in the Bregalnica Region, integrating up to date conservation approaches, with the principles of sustainable natural resources management and the local economic development agenda.

Target groups

  • Centre for Development of the East Planning (Bregalnica) Region;
  • 13 municipalities in the Bregalnica Region,
  • Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning;
  • Faculty of Forestry in Skopje,
  • Population (approx. 200’000) in the Bregalnica Region.
  • Medium-term outcomes

  • Framework conditions for improved nature conservation status in the Bregalnica Region are improved.
  • National, regional and local authorities have agreed on sustainable and effective measures for effective nature conservation in Bregalnica Region.
  • Citizens and local authorities in the Bregalnica Region have gained experience in managing biodiversity, while generating economic benefit from the sustainable use of their natural resources.
  • The Centre for Development of the East Planning (Bregalnica) Region becomes a leader in in nature conservation in the Bregalnica region.
  • Results

    Results from previous phases:  

    High committment of all involved stakeholders during the elaboration of the Project Document; The elaborated Project Document was produced in a participatory way, building on the opinions and recommendations of all relevant stakeholders.

    Directorate/federal office responsible SDC
    Credit area Swiss cooperation with Eastern Europe
    Project partners Contract partner
    International or foreign NGO
    Private sector
    Swiss Non-profit Organisation
    • HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation
    • Foreign private sector South/East
    • Swiss Private Sector
    • Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning

    Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    3’840’870 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    3’748’720
    Project phases Phase 3 01.02.2021 - 30.06.2024   (Completed) Phase 2 01.01.2017 - 30.06.2021   (Completed)

    Phase 1 01.11.2010 - 31.12.2016   (Completed)