
Building of the European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation Eurojust in The Hague.
Fighting international organised crime through global coordination: the building of the European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation Eurojust in The Hague. © Eurojust

The agreement between Switzerland and Eurojust, the EU Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation, serves to bolster cooperation in the fight against serious forms of international crime. The EU Agency works with national judicial authorities in each member state and third countries such as Switzerland to prosecute serious cross-border and organised crime. It has primarily coordinative tasks.

National criminal justice authorities rely in particular on intergovernmental cooperation to combat cross-border crime and organised crime. Eurojust plays a key role in this area. Eurojust was hence established in 2002 as the EU’s unit for judicial cooperation to strengthen cross-border cooperation between national judicial authorities in the fight against serious crime.

Eurojust's main task is to coordinate activities, acting as a link and facilitator to ensure optimal cooperation between national criminal justice authorities. It fosters the exchange of information, facilitates international mutual legal assistance, organises coordination meetings to define, among other things, joint investigation strategies and assists in the resolution of jurisdictional issues. This enables more efficient prosecution and punishment of criminal offences, making Eurojust an increasingly important agency.

Eurojust, based in The Hague (Netherlands), does not itself conduct investigations or prosecute crimes. Instead of functioning as a European public prosecutor, it supports and coordinates among national authorities at their request. Eurojust's remit covers in particular drug trafficking, human trafficking and the smuggling of migrants, terrorism and its financing, counterfeiting and money laundering, fraud, environmental crime and cybercrime.

Eurojust is the judicial counterpart of the European Police Office Europol. Switzerland cooperates with Europol on the basis of a cooperation agreement concluded in 2004. The agreement between Switzerland and Eurojust complements and expands on the agreement with Europol on international cooperation in the fight against cross-border crime.

Cooperation between Switzerland and Eurojust

The collaboration with Eurojust was legally formalised in 2008 through the bilateral agreement, which delineated the extent of cooperation between the two parties and outlined the specific types of information that could be exchanged, as well as the methods for doing so. The agreement also set stringent data protection standards. 

Within the European Union's institutional architecture, Eurojust serves as a key component of judicial cooperation in criminal matters. Each EU member state contributes to Eurojust by seconding a national member, who is typically a prosecutor or judge. The governing body of Eurojust is its College, which is composed of national members who are tasked with liaising with their national judicial system. Third countries, such as Switzerland, may second a liaison prosecutor to Eurojust. Switzerland has been sending a liaison prosecutor since 2015 and additionally a deputy liaison prosecutor since 2018. The agreement also stipulates that the Federal Office of Justice (FOJ) will serve as the Swiss point of contact with Eurojust.



  • Agreement comes into force (22 July)
  • Approval by Parliament (18 March)


  • Signing of the agreement (27 September) 

Effective fight against crime through international collaboration

One example of successful cooperation was the resolution of a complex fraud case that affected approximately 400 individuals throughout Europe, resulting in the loss of over EUR 23 million. Initiated in February 2012, the investigation was coordinated by Eurojust and involved the authorities from ten countries, including Switzerland. As a result, 16 individuals were apprehended, and a substantial sum of cash, along with numerous yachts, villas, and luxury vehicles, were confiscated.

In July 2018, the Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland announced its success in an ongoing criminal case involving voice phishing, a type of cybercrime where spam emails and telephone calls are used to steal e-banking data. In an operation coordinated by Eurojust, two persons were arrested and house searches were carried out in the Netherlands with the support of the Dutch law enforcement authorities and the Federal Office of Police (fedpol).

Moreover, in June 2023, Italian, German and Swiss authorities, backed by Eurojust and Europol, uncovered an organised gold smuggling network resulting in the arrest of 10 suspects. The organised criminal group is believed to have laundered more than EUR 15 million through a complex money laundering system operating across Europe.