‘Body of Us’ is an exercise in and a reflection on friendship. The project takes the form of an active experiential and intellectual investigation of modes and processes of coexistence through doing and thinking. It examines the growth and practice of ethical modes of living and acting together, of seeing and orienting within the world for the sake of a common cause. As the title implies, the project also reflects upon the colloquial, but by no means innocent, use of the term ‘we’. Who are ‘we’ when we talk about ‘us’? ‘Body of Us’ is also an embodied experiment in the very topic it addresses, and a call for a relational and inherently self-critical way of approaching design and contemplating the conditions under which design is produced, displayed and marketed. It will generate an experiential and immersive installation and a publication that provides reflection on the topic. The installation and the publication will be interwoven, entangled and united by a website.
Visit the Swiss section on London Design Biennale 2018 website.
Initiated by the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia in collaboration with Presence Switzerland and the Embassy of Switzerland in the UK.
Supported by the Swiss Cultural Fund UK