Swiss Import Promotion Program (SIPPO) 2021-2025
The Swiss Import Promotion Program SIPPO 2021-2025 supports Business Support Organisations (BSO), such as trade-related ministries and agencies, private trade promotion service providers, consultants, trade promotion organisations, and industry organisations thereby facilitating access for exporting companies to the Swiss and international markets.
Land/Region | Periode | Budget |
Albanien Bosnien und Herzegowina Kolumbien Weltweit Indonesien Marokko Nordmazedonien Peru Serbien Tunesien Vietnam Südafrika |
- 30.07.2025 |
CHF 22’400’000
Projektnummer UR01002
Hintergrund |
In 2017, SIPPO changed its delivery approach, moving away from direct support to export-ready companies to an indirect approach through institutional strengthening and improving export promotion services of local BSOs. SIPPO 2021-2025 will enhance this approach, by increasing flexibility of SIPPO’s advisory services, promoting further decentralisation and digitalisation. This will enable the program to react better to changing priorities and sectoral trends in partner countries, as well as create more synergies with the Swiss development cooperation portfolio. |
Ziele |
SIPPO 2021-2025 is a multi-country program supporting BSOs to facilitate access to the Swiss, European and regional markets for exporting companies from developing and transition countries. As an overarching vision for change, the program aims to promote sustainable and inclusive economic growth for SIPPO partner countries through better integration into world trade. The program is active in 11 partner countries and 6 core sectors, supporting around 50 BSOs by contributing to institutional strengthening through capacity development and improved services in the area of export promotion. In addition, the program supports Swiss cooperation projects to promote integration into global value chains, and provides selective support to ad hoc requests from non-priority countries. |
Mittelfristige Wirkungen |
Outcome 1: BSOs in partner countries offer better services to export-ready companies, improving market access for sustainable products and services Outcome 2: Swiss cooperation projects apply "last mile" knowledge to implement market access activities Outcome 3: Stakeholders in non-priority countries access and use SIPPO "last mile" advisory services |
Resultate |
Erwartete Resultate: Output 1.1: Business Support Organisations (BSOs) in partner countries have increased capacities to offer better market access services to export-ready companies Output 1.2: Business Support Organisations (BSOs) in partner countries have improved links to import institutions and companies in Switzerland and Europe Output 1.3: Business Support Organisations (BSOs) have strengthened their cooperation and networks to improve their service offer Output 2.1: SECO VC projects have access to trade knowledge and networks Output 3.1: Requested assistance services are available to relevant stakeholders Resultate von früheren Phasen: SIPPO 2017-2021 contributed to the creation/retention of roughly 125’000 jobs contributing to an increase of export turnover amounting to approximately CHF 2 billion. The program’s activities reached more than 2,000 companies through BSO trainings, contributed to the creation of 211 new training modules on export promotion, and to nearly 4,000 additional members and/or clients in BSOs. SIPPO 2017-2021 co-organised over 200 match making activities with 2’300 participating companies, enabling the conclusion of almost 8,000 binding offers. |
Verantwortliche Direktion/Bundesamt |
Budget | Laufende Phase Schweizer Beitrag CHF 22’400’000 Bereits ausgegebenes Schweizer Budget CHF 0 Budget inklusive Projektpartner CHF 24’600’000 |
Projektphasen | Phase 11 01.07.2021 - 30.07.2025 (Laufende Phase) Phase 10 01.01.2017 - 30.06.2021 (Completed) Phase 8 23.02.2011 - 31.03.2017 (Completed) Phase 6 01.07.2021 - 30.07.2025 (Laufende Phase) Phase 5 01.01.2017 - 30.06.2021 (Active) Phase 4 23.02.2011 - 31.03.2017 (Active) |