Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)

The Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) Section is responsible for programmes in Central America (Nicaragua, Honduras), Bolivia, Cuba, Haiti and humanitarian programmes in Colombia and Venezuela.

The remit of the Section includes Central America (Nicaragua, Honduras) and Bolivia, Cuba and Haiti, which are priorities for Switzerland's development cooperation. In these countries, Switzerland's bilateral development cooperation programmes will come to an end in 2024. The section also runs bilateral humanitarian programmes in Colombia and Venezuela and a regional disaster risk reduction and emergency relief programme based in Lima.

Its programmes focus on local governance and decentralisation, job and income creation, water, climate change and disaster risk reduction. In fragile contexts, Switzerland's efforts focus on violence prevention, the promotion of human rights and state-building.

All of the section's efforts are aligned with the objectives of the Swiss International Cooperation Strategy 2021–24 and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, and incorporate gender equality/social inclusion and governance as cross-cutting themes.