Water Integrity : Core contribution to the Water Integrity Network (WIN)

Project completed

Water Integrity and fight against corruption allow for effective governance in the water sector. Water integrity is a prerequisite for the efficient achievement of safe water and adequate sanitation for all (SDG 6). The support to WIN’s strategy contributes to increase transparency, accountability and participation in the water sector at global, regional and local level. WIN has developed a set of tools to diagnose corruption and to improve governance in the water sector. Through WIN’s advocacy work at global, regional and local level, and implementation of country initiatives in Kenya, Benin and Bangladesh capacities to assess the status of governance and prepare for action are strengthened. Right holders are empowered to claim better water management, equitable and sustained access to water and sanitation, and to hold duty bearers accountable.

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Human rights
Water sector policy
Human rights (incl. Women's rights)
01.01.2020 - 01.09.2024
CHF  1’108’000
Background Water is a very scarce resource and fundamental for sustainable development. Around 52% of the world’s population projected 9.7 billion people will live in water-stressed regions by 2050.  2.3 billion of  people are still excluded from safe water supply, sanitation and hygiene. The investments of public and private sector have been shrinking in the sector due to competition with other sectors. The voice of most vulnerable communities who lack access to water and sanitiation facilities is often neglected. This makes the water sector particular prone to corruption which is both, a cause and a consequence of poor governance in the water sector. 
Objectives WIN’s overall goal is to increase integrity and reduce corruption in the water sector, so as to contribute to more efficient, equitable and effective processes to attain SDG 6 and fulfil the human rights to water and sanitation. 
Target groups

·       At the global level: Targeted international organisations managing water sector development programs, international NGOs, government or private implementing agencies, development banks


-        At a local level working in the targeted countries the final beneficiaries are local communities and civil society, governments, regional and national levels, public and private water providers as well as members the WIN Network members. 

Medium-term outcomes

·       Outcome 1 - Actors in the international water and sanitation sector take action to increase integrity and reduce corruption

·       Outcome 2 - Capability to improve integrity and reduce corruption in the water and sanitation sector has measurably increased in focus countries and regions

·       Outcome 3 - Necessary evidence, knowledge and approaches to advance and measure water integrity are available and used

-        Outcome 4: WIN Association is managed in a transparent and sustainable manner


Expected results:  

·       Water integrity and anti corruption activities or/and its upscaling in projects or programmes is increased in a number of targeted international organisations

·       Global and regional water sector discourse is strengthened through targetted interventions as well as direct or indirect users of WIN’s anti-corruption tools

·       In selected countries, and regions partners are increasingly strengthened, networks are built and operating well

·       The proportion of country level water integrity outcomes in which good progress is achieved has increased

·       Meaningful evidence is available for insight, advocy and action on integrity and corruptioin in the water sector

·       WIN’s tools and methodologies are used to increase integrity and reduce corruption

Results from previous phases:  

·       Water integrity was mainstreamed in global policy process to improve water governance

·       Several organizations included water and good governance in their strategies

·       Local government processes were strengthened to participatory planning implementation and monitoring of WASH services and improved social accountability processes

-        WIN developed practical guidelines for managing integrity in water stewardship initiatives

Directorate/federal office responsible SDC
Credit area Development cooperation
Project partners Contract partner
International or foreign NGO
Private sector
  • Other international or foreign NGO North
  • Swiss Private Sector

Coordination with other projects and actors

Strong partnership with the African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW)

Connecting with SDC Water Stewardship engagement through the use of Water integrity management tools.

Partnership with Swiss Water and Sanitation Consortium (SWSC), Center for Water Management Services (CEWAS) as well as Swiss NGOs, Helvetas and Caritas.

Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    1’108’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    989’110
Project phases

Phase 4 01.01.2020 - 01.09.2024   (Completed)

Phase 3 01.08.2015 - 31.12.2019   (Completed) Phase 2 01.07.2012 - 30.06.2015   (Completed) Phase 1 01.09.2009 - 30.06.2012   (Completed)