Developing Skills for Better Employment
The economic growth of Albania has only recently been translated into labour market improvements. Unemployment remains to be high, especially among youth (24.5%). The project supports national institutions responsible for vocational training and employment to deliver coordinated and demanddriven services. 33'000 vocational school students will benefit from labour market oriented vocational training offer and 5'000/6% of registered unemployed job seekers from improved employment promotion measures.
RegionCountry | Topic | Period | Budget |
Albania |
Vocational training Employment & economic development
Vocational training
Employment creation |
- 31.12.2022 |
CHF 2’500’000
- United Nations Development Programme
Sub-Sector according to the OECD Developement Assistance Commitiee categorisation Vocational training
Employment policy and administrative management
Aid Type Project and programme contribution
Project Number 7F07024
Background |
• Albania has made significant stride in establishing a consolidated market economy. The economy continues to grow in an upward trajectory (3.71% growth estimates for 2018). However, labour market data reveal that the economic growth has not been translated into major labour market improvements. Although, the unemployment rate dropped from 15.2% in 2016 to 13.7% in 2017, it remains high for youth, at nearly double the total unemployment rate. • The fragmented and uncoordinated governance in VET sector, ineffective employment promotion measures and input oriented VET are the key structural shortcomings of the sector which lead to the dilemma that many graduates end up in unemployment while the industry is desperately looking for qualified staff to fill the vacancies. • The Albanian Government put a special focus on structural improvement of the employment situation of the youth and on reforming the national VET system. There is an improved VET policy framework in place and the sector benefits from the EU sector budget support. This creates a conducive momentum for Swiss support. |
Target | The Albanian Vocational Education and Training (VET) system and Employment Service supply the labour market with skilled workforce that contribute to sustainable and inclusive economic development of the country. |
Target group | The project's target groups are 3 national partner institutions (ministry, the National Agency for VET and Qualifications and the National Agency for Employment and Skills), in charge ofVET/employment reform; 33'000 students of VET system and the 1'072 teachers of it; as weil as 5'220 /5.8% of registered unemployed job seekers. |
Outcomes |
• The institutional capacity of key actors in VET and Employment is strengthened. • The employment service portfolio is based on a balanced demand- and supply-side oriented approach. • A standardized Quality Assurance Framework is in place that improves the image of VET and fosters linkages between school and world of work. |
Results |
Expected Results: • A regulatory package for VET/employment that supports the provision of services and a functional organizational set-up/mechanism for internal/external communication for the ministry, the National Agency for VET and Qualifications and the National Agency for Employment and Skills is developed. • An effective monitoring and evaluation system to support day-to-day policy implementation and service delivery is designed. • Empowered public statt fulfil their role/functions in an effective manner. • A Labour Market Information System that provides reliable and up-to-date employment figures and market trends is established. • A standardized model for Quality Assurance Framework of vocational qualifications and accreditation is set up. • A concept for continuous teacher training is developed. Results from previous phase: • Reviewed and modernised public Employment Promotion Measures system with increased safeguarding transparent management is fully functional. • A credible model of a new Employment Promotion Measure (self-employment) has been piloted and is ready for replication and upscaling. In the framework of this piloted action: 255 youth are capacitated on selfemployment measure; 84 youth established their own businesses and up to date 76 are up and running. • Legal framework on regulating different types of work based learning schemes has been adopted. • Attractiveness of VET with features of work based learning elements has increased (3 National Skills Fairs conducted). • Quality assurance framework and accreditation has been designed and is ready for implementation. • National List of Occupations has been revised/ adopted. • National Skills Needs Analyses has been conducted and its findings are integrated in the government's action plans. |
Agency |
Credit |
Swiss cooperation with Eastern Europe |
Project Partners |
Contract Partner United Nations Organization (UNO) |
Projects Coordination | The government-donor's group, co-chaired by the Ministry of Finance, Switzerland and EtJ will serve to coordinate the initiatives of various donors. A close coordination with the Swiss supported projects in VET sector will be ensured. |
Budget | Current Phase Swiss Budget CHF 2’500’000 Swiss Disbursement Till Know CHF 2’500’000 |
Project Phases |
- 30.06.2027
(Current Phase)
Phase 3 01.01.2019 - 31.12.2022 (Completed) Phase 2 15.12.2014 - 31.12.2020 (Completed) Phase 1 15.12.2011 - 30.09.2014 (Completed) |