Settimana della Lingua Italiana nel Mondo is an minitiative of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The twoweek event is organised by the Instituto Italiano di Cultura, the Swiss Embassy in Beijing, as well as their counterparts in other Chinese cities. The main goal of the event is to promote the Italian language in China by showing its manifold presence in the fields of contemporary literature, cinema, music, TV and science. During this year’s Settimana della Lingua Italiana nel Mondo, Swiss author Flavio Stroppini will deliver his thrilling presentation “Walking stories: building
territories using different narrative platforms”, on Saturday, 18th October 2014, at the Long Museum in Shanghai. Stroppini has perfected the art of story-telling by using different communicational tools (videos, sounds, images and prose) to convey a deeper understanding of the art of traveling, creating a journey report which is an artefact in itself. His projects are developed in an insightful presentation to the audience. Flavio Stroppini’s conferences offer the unique opportunity for the audience to personally engage with one of the most acclaimed Swiss Italian artists and find out more of his art as a cross-media author. More information about Flavio Stroppini’s work is available under: www.flaviostroppini.com
Free entrance with registration: heidi.zhang@eda.admin.ch