Contribution to the Multi-Donor Trust Fund of the Africa Disaster Risk Financing Programme ADRiFi

Through a contribution to the ADRiFi programme of the African Development Bank, Switzerland intends to facilitate access to subsidies for the payment of natural disaster insurances for at least an additional 15   African countries. Payouts (up to 5 mio USD per event) from the insurance, managed by the African Risk Capacity Group, will allow governments respond timely and effectively to the needs of their population in case of disaster on the basis of the prepared effective contingency plans. 

Región/País Tema Período Presupuesto
África Occidental
Cambio climático y medio ambiente
Reducción de riesgos de catástrofes
Gestión de las finanzas públicas
01.12.2021 - 30.11.2025
CHF  8’500’000
Contexto African countries are among the most vulnerable to the impacts of natural disasters and are likely to experience severe and frequent extreme weather events caused by accelerating climate change. It is estimated that least-income countries could suffer an average decline of more than 5% in per capita income as a result of a larger natural disasters, not to speak about human losses. Investments in preparedness, planning and risk transfer seem the appropriate solution and could help to save up to four times the amount invested. Switzerland has been supporting since 2012 the insurance scheme created by ARC and considers that the additional funds supplied by the Bank will help the scaling up  the programme and increase its impact in the continent. It will strengthen the partnership with the Bank and Swiss visibility. It does also reinforce the Swiss engagement in climate change adaptation, food security and resilience, and in innovative initiatives involving the private sector in line with  Swiss priorities in Africa.
Objetivos ADRiFi's goal is to enhance the countries’ resilience and response to climate shocks by improving the management of natural disaster risk and adaptation to climate change, by strengthening the technical capacity of countries to evaluate climate-related risks and costs and elaborate subsequent mitigation measures and by providing rapidly funds to address climate disasters.
Grupos destinarios

-    African governments

-    Parliament members, decision-makers

-    Vulnerable population in disaster-prone areas

Efectos a medio plazo

-    Stable participation of countries in the ARC regional risk pool;

-    Improved capacity of countries to respond proactively to climate-related catastrophes and provide rapid assistance to the most vulnerable;

-    Improved capacity of countries to understand their exposure to the risks of climate-related disasters and their potential impacts on in terms of public finances and livelihoods of the most vulnerable.


Resultados previstos:  

-    5-7 countries per year receive a subsidy

-    15 countries adher permanently to the ARC programme

-    20 mio people are covered by the insurance and receive support in case of disasters

Resultados de las fases anteriores:  

Under the ADRiFi programme since 2019 :

-    6 countries (two additional ones until end 2021) applied to subsidies

-    3.7 mio USD were given as a payout to two countries.

Dirección / Officina Federal responsable COSUDE
Contrapartes del proyecto Contraparte del contrato
Institución financiera internacional (IFI)
  • Banco Africano de Desarrollo (other)

Otras contrapartes
African Development Bank
Coordinación con otros proyectos y actores

SDC GPFS and SCO Harare contribute to ARC

FCDO is the co-founder of the MDTF

KfW, IFAD contribute to premium subsidisation to ARC. 

Presupuesto Fase en curso Presupuesto suizo CHF    8’500’000 Presupuesto actual suizo ya emitido CHF    5’462’500 Total del proyecto desde la primera fase Presupuesto suizo CHF   8’500’000
Fases del proyecto Fase 1 01.12.2021 - 30.11.2025   (Fase en curso)