Access Agriculture: Video-mediated farmer-to-farmer learning for sustainable agriculture

Proyecto terminado

Access Agriculture (AA) is a global initiative aiming at providing easy access to agricultural learning through training videos of quality. From the production to the dissemination, farmers and rural advisory service providers will be involved in the making of the agricultural films, made accessible through multiple media such as the internet, DVDs and radio. Strong partnerships with networks of farmers, advisory service providers and the agro-food industry are a cornerstone of this initiative.

Región/País Tema Período Presupuesto
A nivel mundial
Agricultura y seguridad alimentaria
Desarrollo agrícolo
Apoyo a las cadenas de valor agrícolas (til 2016)
01.04.2012 - 29.02.2016
CHF  3’170’000

Farmers in the developing world often lack the appropriate training and advice to optimise and adjust their farming practices, and require better access to information, inputs and markets. Scattered, of limited quality and with a relatively weak outreach in many contexts, rural advisory services to farmers may be improved if service providers can more easily access quality training material on agricultural practices through video media.


The overall goal of this initiative is to strengthen capacities of and linkages between multiple stakeholders to enhance the effectiveness of producing, disseminating and using agricultural training videos to improve farmers’ food security and livelihoods.

Grupos destinarios

Rural advisory service providers and farmers in six African countries: Benin, Mali, Uganda, Malawi, Kenya and Egypt. Rural advisory service networks and agro-food industry internationally.

Efectos a medio plazo
  • Demand-driven farmer training films are produced, disseminated and used in six countries and globally
  • Partners in the six countries have strengthened their capacities in producing farmer training films
  • The AA web platform is a reference for agricultural videos worldwide
  • Strong working partnerships with rural advisory service networks and the agro-food industry are established



Resultados de las fases anteriores:  

The entry phase of eight months allowed for the identification of key national stakeholders and the launch of partnerships in six African countries.

Dirección / Officina Federal responsable COSUDE
Crédito Cooperación al desarrollo
Contrapartes del proyecto Contraparte del contrato
ONG internacional o extranjera
  • Access Agriculture, Agro Insight, Countrywise, Streaming Tank (global)

Presupuesto Fase en curso Presupuesto suizo CHF    3’170’000 Presupuesto actual suizo ya emitido CHF    3’123’720
Fases del proyecto Fase 2 01.12.2015 - 30.06.2021   (Completed)

Fase 1 01.04.2012 - 29.02.2016   (Completed)