Support to Village Councils in the West Bank with a focus on Area C
SDC will support local government units to improve the delivery of basic services in marginalized rural areas of the West Bank with a focus on Area C. This intervention is consistent with the State-building agenda which forms the basis for SDC development programme in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt), the promotion of human rights/international humanitarian law and the alleviation of poverty. It is aligned to the Palestinian Authority’s policy framework for Area C. Its operating modalities are harmonized with like-minded donors in the local governance sector.
Pays/région | Thème | Période | Budget |
Territoire palestinien occupé |
Governance Santé Aide humanitaire & RRC Droits de la personne Formation professionelle Education
Éducation sanitaire Protection, accès & sécurité Droits de la personne (y compris droits des femmes) Formation professionnelle |
- 31.12.2021 |
CHF 5’030’000
- Citizens in rural areas of the West Bank actively participate in planning and implementation of the public service delivery and are able to hold their representatives (Village Councils and Joint Service Councils) accountable in a systematic way.
- Basic public services are delivered in selected rural areas of the West Bank, with a focus on Area C (Village Councils/ Joint Service Councils).
- Participatory planning mechanisms are established at Ministry level (MoLG), local level (Local Government Units- LGUs and Joint Service Councils (JSCs).
- Social accountability mechanisms extended and institutionalised with Village Councils.
- Complaint systems, citizen charters, public hearings and communications mechanisms are made available at VCs.
- Public facilities are constructed or rehabilitated.
- New small scale public infrastructures, such as roads, water networks and sewage network, are built or rehabilitated.
- National State Institute North
- SDC Field Office
- Area C Coordination Office (ACCO - PA)
- World Bank through “Local Governance Service Improvement Programme” (LGSIP)
- EU through Area C Infrastructure Programme (“development”) and EU Area C Humanitarian Consortium
- OCHA/Protection Cluster focusing on vulnerable Communities in Area C
Secteur selon catégorisation du Comité d'aide au développement de l'OCDE GOUVERNEMENT ET SOCIETE CIVILE
Sous-Secteur selon catégorisation du Comité d'aide au développement de l'OCDE Décentralisation et soutien aux administrations infranationales (y compris redevabilité)
Education sanitaire
Droits de la personne
Assistance matérielle et services d’urgence
Formation professionnelle
Thème transversal Prévention des crises
Le projet tient compte de l'égalité des sexes en tant que thème transversal.
Le projet tient compte de la démocratisation, de la bonne gouvernance et des droits de l'homme en tant que thème transversal.
Le projet contribue à améliorer le fonctionnement de l'organisation partenaire
Type d'aide Contribution à des projets ou programmes
Numéro de projet 7F09403
Contexte |
Since their signature (22 years ago), the Oslo Accords have contributed to maintain and aggravate the territorial, social and economic fragmentation of the West Bank. This has taken place in the context of a protracted (almost 50-year) occupation, where opportunities for sustainable development have been consistently hindered by Israel through discriminatory planning and zoning regime and through legal and practical restrictions of the humanitarian and development space. Palestinian population in Area C (ca. 300’000 persons) lacks proper enjoyment of their basic rights: their access to/control over land and natural resources as well as access to public services have been dramatically constrained. Moreover, the Palestinian Authority (PA) has dedicated scant resources and attention to developing rural areas situated in Areas B and C of the West Bank: local government units in these areas are unable to provide basic public services to communities and to maintain basic infrastructure, which has increased their social and economic marginalization. Most donors have focused their support to urban areas (Area A), where more than 75% of the Palestinian population lives. The PA is now trying to reverse these trends by treating the whole oPt as one territorial unit and prioritizing support to marginalised areas and Area C has become a priority in the National Policy Agenda and the (draft) Local Government Strategic Framework (2017-2022). The PA aims at operationalizing this policy shift through the Village Support Programme to which the proposed intervention will contribute. |
Objectifs |
The goal of this intervention is to contribute to reducing economic and social marginalization and inequalities in rural areas of the West Bank (with a focus on Area C) through capacity development of local government units and through the provision of small-scale infrastructure involving rural communities (women and men) throughout project implementation. |
Groupes cibles |
Primary target groups are Palestinian citizens living in rural areas of the West Bank, in particular in Area C. Secondary target groups are staff of institutions involved in local governance at national (Ministry of Local Government, Municipal Development and Lending Fund) and local levels (Village Councils and Joint Service Councils). |
Effets à moyen terme |
Résultats |
Principaux résultats attendus: Principaux résultats antérieurs: HIMII was a standalone project. It financed small-scale infrastructure in Area C and contributed to building knowledge and gain influence about local governance, in particular as regards risks management, understanding and mainstreaming vulnerability as a key dimension for decision making. |
Direction/office fédéral responsable |
Crédit |
Coopération au développement |
Partenaire de projet |
Partenaire contractuel ONG internationale ou étrangère Institution étatique étrangère Autres partenaires |
Coordination avec d'autres projets et acteurs |
The intervention is based on lessons learnt from HIMII project (7F-09403.01) and benefits from current implementation of Municipal Development Program 2 (7F-07621.02) and from the project with AM Qattan Foundation (promoting culture as a means to improve participation and inclusion at local level) (7F-08809.01). Complementarities with the Domains “Rule of Law/Protection” (advocacy) and “Agro economic Development” (value chain development in West Bank rural areas) of the current Cooperation Strategy will be sought. |
Budget | Phase en cours Budget de la Suisse CHF 5’030’000 Budget suisse déjà attribué CHF 4’938’026 |
Phases du projet |
- 31.12.2026
(Phase en cours)
Phase 2
- 31.03.2023
Phase 1 01.11.2016 - 31.12.2021 (Completed) |