One Health Units for Humans, Environment, Animals and Livelihoods (HEAL)

Projet terminé

Transmission of diseases between humans and animals are frequent in pastoralist societies of Somalia, Ethiopia and Northern Kenya and related to environmental conditions. The HEAL project promotes sustainable rangeland management and access to integrated human/livestock health services. Thereby, it contributes to improved health, to reduced vulnerability among pastoralist communities and to prevention of their displacement/migration, which is in the interest of Switzerland.

Pays/région Thème Période Budget
Corne de l’Afrique
Agriculture et sécurité alimentaire
Système de santé primaire
Services agricoles & marché
Ressources en terres cultivables
01.03.2019 - 31.10.2024
CHF  5’635’568
Contexte Over 30 million pastoralists in Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya (Horn of Africa) are affected by inadequate access to essential healthcare and a poorly developed veterinary service for their livestock. This is mainly because of factors associated with their lifestyles such as dispersed settlement patterns, seasonal mobility and social and economic features that perpetuate the underutilization of essential services even when they are available. The services provided are insufficiently adapted to the needs and contexts of the communities. Moreover, the health system and policies in the Horn of Africa do not sufficiently take the unique context of pastoralist communities into account. The situation is compounded by recurrent drought, flooding and human and livestock disease outbreaks which cross boundaries. Switzerland will address this situation by promoting One Health services, which address human, animal and ecosystem health in an integrated way. The Swiss value added in this field is based on longstanding experience in livestock management and the Swiss expertise in One Health.
Objectifs Enhanced well-being and improved resilience to shocks of vulnerable communities in pastoralist and agro-pastoralist areas in the Horn of Africa.
Groupes cibles Communities: 1.2 million pastoralists and agro-pastoralists (60% women and girls) in communities of the Horn of Africa who are challenged by inadequate access to basic health services, basic veterinary services and poor environmental conditions. With the 12 One Health Units to be piloted and supported, 4,279,350 livestock will be able to access improved animal health services. Institutions: Formal institutions such as public health and veterinary service providers, regional/county and woreda/district line departments and offices; and informal/traditional institutions such as community platforms.
Effets à moyen terme Men and women members of pastoral communities are engaged in defining sustainable, demand-driven and need-based One Health Units. Public health offices at local level operate context-specific, cost-effective One Health service delivery models. Policymakers and investors recognise HEAL-One Health Units as a solution

Principaux résultats attendus:   Improved community capacity on natural resource management for rangeland health and One Health. Detailed plans for gender-sensitive One Health Units set-up, both infrastructures (‘hardware’) and mode of operating (‘software’). Public health, veterinary and NRM service providers supported to operationalize and scale up different types of One Health Units operational and scaled up. Documented evidence and lessons learnt. Regional community of practice established and strengthened for contributing to policy discussions. At least 6 meetings/workshops involving donors and government actors (including policy makers) will be conducted. A minimum of 2 policy briefs developed and published.

Principaux résultats antérieurs:  

During the inception phase of the HEAL project priorities and expectations of the beneficiaries, partners and government were explored across the three countries. Accordingly, the following milestones were achieved.

* The one-health policy context and needs at strategic level were mapped for the three target countries.

* Pastoralist community representatives were supported to establish 8 Multi-Stakeholder Innovation Platforms in Ethiopia and Somalia.

* The vulnerability and capacity needs pertinent to one-health were identified.

Direction/office fédéral responsable DDC
Crédit Coopération au développement
Partenaire de projet Partenaire contractuel
Organisation suisse à but non lucratif
  • Vétérinaires sans Frontières Suisse

Autres partenaires
Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Suisse is the main contract partner. Comitato Collaborazione Medica and International Livestock Research Institute are also consortium members.
Coordination avec d'autres projets et acteurs HEAL consortium will closely work with the SDC-supported Jijiga One-Health Initiative project through consultation in project development, governance (participation in steering committee meetings) and advocacy work (jointly mobilizing the regional one-health taskforce in Somali Region). HEAL project coordinates with other one-health actors in the HoA.
Budget Phase en cours Budget de la Suisse CHF    5’635’568 Budget suisse déjà attribué CHF    5’350’737
Phases du projet Phase 2 01.11.2024 - 31.10.2028   (Phase en cours)

Phase 1 01.03.2019 - 31.10.2024   (Completed)