Support to the Climate and Clean Air Co-alition (CCAC)

The Climate and Clean Air Coalition is a leading global multistakeholder partnership bringing together states and intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations to jointly tackle the challenges of climate change and air pollution. Switzerland actively supports the Coalition, sharing its experiences garnered both nationally and through its international cooperation in order to assist low- and middle-income countries in implementing the most effective emission reduction strategies that yield multiple benefits for sustainable development. 

Pays/région Thème Période Budget
Monde entier
Changement climatique & environnement
Protection de la biosphère
Politique de l’environnement
Conservation de l'énergie & efficacité
01.01.2022 - 31.12.2025
CHF  8’200’000
Contexte Air pollution is estimated to cause the premature death of approximately 7 million people every year worldwide. At the same time, the impacts of climate change are being increasingly felt across the globe, with an average temperature increase of 1.1°C since pre-industrial times. The Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) seeks to accelerate efforts to reduce the emissions of a subset of pollutants at the intersection of these two challenges – known as short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs: methane, black carbon, hydrofluorocarbons and ozone), in addition to efforts to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2). These pollutants remain in the atmosphere for a shorter period of time than CO2 but have a significant warming effect on the climate, while having negative impacts on human health, food security and the environment. The CCAC brings together around 70 countries and 80 non-state partners to find the most effective solutions for reducing pollutant emissions in key-emitting sectors, such as agriculture, transport, waste management or cooling.

The CCAC’s overall goal is to put the world on a pathway that rapidly reduces warming in the near-term and maximizes development, health, environmental and food security benefits. It seeks to achieve this by catalysing fast action to reduce short-lived climate pollutants, thereby contributing to global efforts to decarbonize the economy, to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C, to reduce air pollution, and to achieve the related Sustainable Development Goals.

Groupes cibles The CCAC’s target audience are policy makers globally (for its advocacy work) and in low- and middle-income countries (for its technical and capacity building support). The ultimate beneficiaries are populations affected by and vulnerable to climate change, indoor and outdoor air pollution, and agricultural losses. 
Effets à moyen terme

The CCAC’s 2030 Strategy sets out three key directions:

Outcome 1: Driving an Ambitious Agenda to secure high-level ambition in jointly tackling climate change and air pollution

Outcome 2: Supporting National & Transformative Actions to reduce the emissions of short-lived climate pollutants at scale in key emitting sectors

Outcome 3: Advancing Policy-Relevant Research and Analysis to provide decision-makers confidence to make ambitious commitments and take fast action


Principaux résultats attendus:  

*  Technical assistance and capacity building delivered to low- and middle-income country governments to embed SLCP action in national climate and clean air strategies, plans, policies and budgets

*  Ministers and leaders convened to foster ambition at the highest levels

*  Platforms (“Hubs”) created to enable sectoral and cross-sectoral exchanges on SLCP action

*  World-class scientific research conducted on SLCP emissions and the multiple benefits of mitigation

*  Communication materials, events produced to stimulate interest in SLCP action in governments, industries, financial institutions and other targeted communities

Principaux résultats antérieurs:  

*  Eight countries have developed SLCP plans through CCAC-led projects and 16 countries have received national planning support

*  Flagship publications such as the Integrated Assessment of Short-lived Climate Pollutants in Latin America and the Caribbean: improving air quality while mitigating climate change; Air Pollution in Asia and the Pacific: Science-Based Solutions; and the Global Methane Assessment

* Awareness on air pollution and climate change raised through the Breathelife campaign and the International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies

*  Approval of the Coalition’s 2030 Strategy under Swiss Co-Chairmanship of the CCAC


Direction/office fédéral responsable DDC
Partenaire de projet Partenaire contractuel
Secteur privé
Organisme des Nations Unies (ONU)
  • Secteur privé suisse
  • Programme des Nations Unies pour l’environnement
  • UNEP (as host of the Secretariat of the Climate and Clean Air Coalition and manager of the Coalition’s Trust Fund)

Coordination avec d'autres projets et acteurs


SDC projects: Climate and Clean Air in Latin American Cities (CALAC+); Clean Air Project India; Clean Air China; Air Pollution Impact on Health, Mongolia; Energising Development; Clean Cooling Collaborative; Global Alliance on Health and Pollution.Federal Office for the Environment FOEN.

Budget Phase en cours Budget de la Suisse CHF    8’200’000 Budget suisse déjà attribué CHF    6’008’406
Phases du projet Phase 3 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2025   (Phase en cours) Phase 2 01.01.2018 - 31.12.2021   (Completed) Phase 1 01.11.2013 - 30.04.2018   (Completed)