La salute: un diritto umano e un presupposto per lo sviluppo

La salute è un diritto umano precluso a più di un miliardo di individui. Le attuali disparità in materia di salute ostacolano lo sviluppo sociale, economico e sostenibile. La DSC si impegna per migliorare le condizioni sanitarie della popolazione nei Paesi a basso e medio reddito e, dove possibile, si avvale del know-how svizzero per realizzare e ampliare l’assistenza sanitaria in modo tale che funzioni in maniera efficiente e garantisca un buon livello qualitativo.

Obiettivi principali della DSC

La Svizzera ritiene che la fornitura dei servizi sanitari di base sia un presupposto fondamentale per lo sviluppo economico e sociale e che le disparità in campo sanitario rappresentino inaccettabili violazioni dei diritti umani fondamentali. L’azione della DSC volta a migliorare l’assistenza sanitaria si concentra dunque sulle necessità delle popolazioni più povere.

La volontà di migliorare le condizioni sanitarie dei più poveri è in linea con l’Agenda 2030 per uno sviluppo sostenibile, il cui terzo obiettivo sancisce l’impegno della comunità internazionale – e quindi anche della Svizzera – per garantire una vita sana e promuovere il benessere di tutti a tutte le età. La salute è dunque considerata un fattore essenziale. Per superare le disparità sociali e promuovere lo sviluppo sostenibile è imprescindibile l’accesso a un sistema sanitario funzionante e completo. Per questo, in ambito sanitario la DSC pone l’accento sul buongoverno, sul rafforzamento del ruolo e della responsabilità delle comunità e degli utenti dei servizi sanitari come pure sulla creazione di strutture efficienti per:

  • rafforzare i sistemi sanitari con l’intento di garantire a tutti la possibilità di fruire di servizi sanitari
  • controllare le malattie trasmissibili e non trasmissibili
  • migliorare la salute sessuale e riproduttiva, compresa la salute della madre e del bambino
  • integrare la lotta all’HIV/AIDS nella cooperazione internazionale in ambiti che esulano da quello sanitario


L’assistenza sanitaria compete sia ai governi sia alle comunità interessate. Un fattore essenziale per gestire le risorse disponibili in modo efficiente e adeguato ai bisogni della popolazione consiste nel rafforzare il buongoverno.

La Svizzera dispone di un vasto know-how nel settore della salute, che già oggi fornisce un prezioso aiuto nella creazione e nell’ampliamento dell’assistenza sanitaria nei Paesi partner. Avvalendosi di tali competenze e sfruttando le proprie collaborazioni strategiche con ONG svizzere, istituti di ricerca e il settore privato, la DSC condivide in modo mirato conoscenze, prodotti e servizi con i Paesi partner. Inoltre promuove soluzioni innovative adeguate alle realtà locali e comportamenti sostenibili in grado di migliorare la situazione sanitaria in tali Paesi.

I notevoli progressi compiuti in questo campo non devono però nascondere la presenza di sfide ancora da affrontare. La povertà estrema, per esempio, è in calo, ma il divario tra le condizioni sanitarie dei ricchi e dei poveri è sempre più profondo. I più poveri fra i poveri – circa un miliardo di persone – non dispongono ancora di un accesso all’acqua potabile e a infrastrutture sanitarie, a un’alimentazione sufficiente ed equilibrata e all’assistenza sanitaria.


Progetti attuali

Oggetto 1 – 12 di 39

Mental Health for Universal Health Coverage (MH4UHC) – Phase 2

01.11.2024 - 31.10.2028

In low-resource settings, over 75% of people who need mental health support do not have access to adequate services. Co-created with the SDC, the WHO Special Initiative for Mental Health responds to this urgent need by scaling up mental health services in community settings, revising mental health legislation, policies, and sharing learnings to advance the world’s mental health agenda. In this second phase, a stronger focus will be put on addressing mental disorders in humanitarian contexts.

One Health for Humans, Environment, Animals, and Livelihoods (HEAL)

01.11.2024 - 31.10.2028

Access to basic health and veterinary services is challenging in (agro-)pastoralist societies in the Horn of Africa due to unfavourable environmental and climatic conditions and limited delivery of basic services. Using a One Health approach, Switzerland promotes an innovative integrated human/livestock/environmental health service model, contributing to improved health, reduced vulnerability and increased livelihood resilience.

Acquisition Scanner pour I'hôpital Panzi, ASP

01.09.2024 - 31.10.2028

Ce projet vise à doter l'Hôpital Général de Référence (HGR) de Panzi d'un scanner moderne, ce qui permet d'aider le personnel médical à poser des diagnostiques corrects et rapides, afin d'établir des protocoles de traitements adéquats chez les patients en général, et chez les femmes en particulier. En outre l'appui de la Suisse permet de soutenir la recherche en imagerie médicale à travers le partenariat avec les Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève (HUG) et l'HGR de Panzi.

République démocratique du Congo (RDC) MEDAIR : Réponse multisectorielle d’urgence (en santé, nutrition, EHA) en faveur des populations vulnérables affectées par les conflits et les épidémies au Nord Kivu et Ituri

15.07.2024 - 30.06.2026

La crise humanitaire à l’est de la RDC est liée à la persistance des conflits armés et intercommunautaires, aux épidémies et à la faible gouvernance, entrainant des besoins humanitaires aigus depuis trois décennies. Grâce à cette intervention en santé primaire et secondaire, nutrition, eau, hygiène et assainissement, la Suisse contribue à la réduction de la morbidité et de la mortalité des personnes affectées par les conflits, tout en renforçant leur résilience face aux futures maladies.

Ensuring equitable access of refugees to quality health services in the Republic of Moldova (single-phase project)

01.07.2024 - 30.06.2025

The proposed initiative aims to provide equitable access to quality health care for refugees with temporary protection, in line with the priorities of both the Moldovan and Swiss governments. By strengthening the capacity of Moldovan health care authorities and service providers, it will address critical gaps in the delivery of health services for refugees and establish sustainable financing and monitoring mechanisms for such services. The project also seeks to raise awareness among refugees and health care providers on health care packages available to refugees.

Community-based Health Services and System Strengthening Support in Sagaing

01.05.2024 - 30.04.2027

Three years after the military coup in Myanmar, targeted attacks and scrutiny in the health sector by the military junta led to a partial or total lack of access to healthcare in various regions, particularly in the dry zone. Through this project, Switzerland aims to support locally-led and inclusive community-based health system in Sagaing to provide essential, emergency, quality primary health care services, while ensuring the transition to a new decentralized and inclusive health system.

Community Health Provision in Somalia (CHASP)

01.05.2024 - 30.04.2027

The programme provides maternal and child health services in Somalia in targeted facilities. It strengthens the capacities of regional and district health authorities including of health personnel working in these facilities. The programme promotes access in terms of basic health services and skilled health personnel at decentralized levels. This is connected to the Swiss interest of promoting service provision and good governance capacities especially at grassroot levels, which also feeds into the transformation/ development agenda of Somalia.

Contribution to Medicus Mundi Switzerland (MMS) Network

01.01.2024 - 31.12.2027

Medicus Mundi Switzerland is a Network of 49 Swiss non-governmental organisations, foundations and scientific institutions involved in health advocacy at global level and health programmes in lowand middle-income countries. Taking a multisectoral approach and fostering open dialogue with relevant actors, decision-makers and the broader public, the Network facilitates the exchange of knowledge and experience and contributes to finding solutions to global health challenges.

Core Contribution Swiss Malaria Group (SMG)

01.01.2024 - 31.12.2027

The Swiss Malaria Group (SMG) is a Swiss-based public, private academic and civil society leadership network that works towards a malaria-free world. SMG member organisations coordinate their efforts to engage technical expertise, opinion-makers and the general public to provide Swiss leadership against malaria, strengthen research and innovation by Swiss actors, and fight malaria in low- and middle-income countries.

Myanmar - Access to Health Fund

01.01.2024 - 31.12.2028

Myanmar has seen very low levels of basic health services due to seven decades long conflict. The progresses achieved during the last civilian government were reversed by the military coup in 2021, leading to a nearly collapse of the national health system and an increase of humanitarian needs. Through the Access to Health Fund, Switzerland supports the provision of equitable and critical health services to vulnerable people in conflict-affected areas through the strengthening on ethnic and community health systems.

Accessible Quality Healthcare (AQH)

01.01.2024 - 31.12.2027

AQH strengthens the clinical capacity and managerial competence of Primary Health Care (PHC) providers towards improving the quality of care provided to the population, focusing on non-communicable diseases (NCDs). At the community end, AQH generates demand for quality services, by improving health literacy and involving people in shaping the services, thus leading to an increased and rational utilization of all health services and ultimately improved health status of the population.

Strengthening Civil Society in Myanmar – Paung Ku

01.07.2023 - 30.06.2027

In Myanmar, civic space has considerably shrunk since the military coup. In the absence of a legitimate government, networks of independent civil society organisations (CSOs) are essential actors for basic service provision and promotion of democratic values and human rights. Showing commitment to localisation, Switzerland will enable local CSOs to further support vulnerable communities and to protect the foundations of a pluralistic and inclusive society.  

Oggetto 1 – 12 di 39