Nel mondo le donne hanno scarse possibilità di influenzare le decisioni politiche, economiche, sociali e domestiche. La DSC si adopera affinché donne e uomini possano onorare con pari diritti i loro doveri di cittadine e cittadini e promuove la partecipazione delle donne alla vita politica.
Rafforzamento della partecipazione delle donne alla vita politica
Obiettivi principali della DSC
La DSC integra sistematicamente le questioni di genere nei suoi progetti di sviluppo della governance e, su scala locale e nazionale, promuove la partecipazione delle donne alla vita politica, per esempio nel quadro dei processi di democratizzazione.
Confrontato a un’urbanizzazione sfrenata, l’Afghanistan ha visto il suo tasso di criminalità aumentare drasticamente. In otto grandi città del Paese i cittadini aiutano a valutare le sfide riguardanti la sicurezza e mettono in atto misure collettive. In questo processo sostenuto dalla DSC la partecipazione attiva delle donne è prioritaria.
Nel Benin la DSC sostiene le donne che si offrono di rivestire cariche politiche o assumere posizioni in altri organi decisionali come i comitati locali in ambito sanitario e per la gestione delle risorse idriche.
L’integrazione delle questioni di genere è un obiettivo prioritario anche nello sviluppo dei Comuni nei Balcani occidentali. Attraverso i suoi progetti la DSC promuove la facoltà di codecisione delle donne nella pianificazione del budget e nella ripartizione delle risorse finanziarie, accordando uguale considerazione alle esigenze e agli interessi di uomini e donne, bambini e bambine.
Il potere delle donne di influenzare le decisioni politiche ed economiche è ancor oggi scarso rispetto a quello degli uomini. I pregiudizi sociali persistenti, la mancanza di tempo e la scarsa istruzione impediscono alle donne di partecipare alla vita politica al pari degli uomini.
Oltre a un’adeguata rappresentanza femminile negli organi decisionali è fondamentale che la loro attività politica sia attenta alle questioni di genere. Per la DSC è necessario coinvolgere tutte le fasce della popolazione nei processi locali di decentralizzazione e di sviluppo della governance locale. Parallelamente andrebbero analizzate le conseguenze delle decisioni politiche e di bilancio su uomini, donne, bambini e minoranze.
Progetti attuali
Response to Gender-Based Violence 25-29
- 31.12.2029
In order to fight increasing gender-based violence (GBV) in humanitarian and conflict contexts, address the root causes in a sustainable way and to contribute to lasting change, Switzerland provides targeted, multi-year funding for GBV prevention and response, and invests in rights-based and survivor-centred projects of three key partners.
Nigeria, UNICEF, Improved access to quality reintegration services for children and women formerly associated with non-state armed groups in Northeast Nigeria.
- 31.10.2026
Thousands of children and women have exited areas controlled by non-state armed groups in Northeast Nigeria since 2021. The project provides temporary shelter and basic services and longer-term socio-economic reintegration to this group of civilians and other vulnerable individuals through a package of multisectoral assistance. The successful and sustainable reintegration of these individuals is instrumental towards peacebuilding and complements ongoing Swiss work on peace and security.
Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund (WPHF)
- 31.12.2025
The contribution to the WPHF is to support women peacebuilders, humanitarians and human rights defenders working at the forefront of Women, Peace, Security and Humanitarian Action (WPS-HA) issues. The WPHF, managed by UN Women, provides funding to local civil society organizations for women’s participation and leadership in situations of conflict and humanitarian crisis, contributing to a nexus approach.
FAIRWAY - Interregional Programme to promote decent work for migrant workers from Africa to the Arab States
- 31.05.2028
Decent work for low-income migrant workers in the Middle East is promoted, in sectors particularly prone to forced labor and exploitation, affecting increasingly African workers. Through improved services, access to justice and representation, migrant workers have their rights protected. Interregional and regional cooperation is promoted for improved labor migration governance and safe migration, thereby enhancing the development benefits for countries of origin and destination.
Women’s Economic Empowerment in the South Caucasus (WEE)
- 31.08.2026
Switzerland has been successfully supporting women and their businesses in Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan since 2017. In this final phase of the project, Switzerland aims to institutionalize gender-related policies at national and local levels, build the capacities of the governmental and non-governmental partners to continue promoting women's empowerment and encourage the private sector to support more women in the formal economy.
Gender Equality in Food Systems
- 31.12.2027
Gender-based discrimination, or the denial of women’s rights, is one of the major causes of poverty and food insecurity. The support from SDC contributes to women’s economic empowerment and the sustainable and transformative change in their livelihoods. FAO, IFAD, WFP and UN Women together tackle the barriers to gender equality at global, regional and national levels, including through the uptake of the CFS Voluntary Guidelines on Gender Equality and Women’s and Girls Empowerment.
République démocratique du Congo (RDC): Transcultural Psychosocial Organisation (TPO) Protection des enfants et des femmes
- 30.06.2026
Les conflits armés à l’est de la RDC continuent à engendrer des violations graves des droits de l’enfant et de la femme, y compris les violences basées sur le genre, le recrutement forcé et le manque d’accès à l’éducation. Par le biais de mécanismes et structures communautaires et de gouvernance locale, ce projet vise à identifier les principaux problématiques de protection, y apporter une assistance et contribuer à leur résolution.
Strengthening local governance and civic space in Uzbekistan
- 31.12.2028
The programme will strengthen inclusive local governance, gender-based violence prevention and the civic space in Uzbekistan. It promotes an active civil society and civic engagement of youth and vulnerable groups at local level (locally-led development). Switzerland brings high credibility in local governance and human rights and acts as convenor and bridge builder. The multi-stakeholder set up with UN, non-governmental organizations and local authorities offers a variety of entry points, allowing agile steering in the complex political environment.
Safeguard Young People (SYP) - Tanzania
- 31.12.2026
With 62% of its population below 25 years, the Safeguard Young People (SYP) programme supports Tanzania’s demographic dividend. The project advances young people’s sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) through a gender-responsive and inclusive policy environment, empowered youth who make informed decisions, and responsive health and education systems. SYP builds on 10 years of regional experience and UNFPA’s expertise.
Burundi – Programme conjoint sur les droits humains
- 31.12.2027
La situation des droits de l’homme au Burundi reste préoccupante en raison de la persistance des violations des droits de l’homme et de l'absence d'obligation de rendre des comptes. Le Programme conjoint sur les droits humains est une initiative multipartite (Gouvernement et bailleurs de fonds) qui vise à promouvoir l’application du cadre légal en matière de droits de l’homme par des institutions crédibles et efficaces.
Sudan Conflict Affected-Populations Lifesaving Emergency Response (SCALE)
- 31.12.2025
The conflict that broke out in Sudan on 15 April 2023 has led to a severe humanitarian crisis. Through the SCALE project, Mercy-Corps (MC) provides vulnerable conflict-affected and displaced individuals with Multipurpose Cash Assistance (MPCA) as well as food security and livelihoods support to meet their basic needs and enhance their coping capacities. SCALE adopts a nexus approach, leveraging MCs existing development and peacebuilding programming. Working alongside local partners, the project aims to amplify the voices of conflict-affected women and demonstrate the power of collective influence and action to address priority needs.
OCHA Interagency Protection / Gender / PSEA Project 2024-2025
- 31.12.2025
Switzerland provides a contribution to the inter-agency Protection Standby Capacity (ProCap), the Gender Standby Capacity (GenCap) and the Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Standby Capacity (PSEACap). They deploy Senior Protection Advisers to humanitarian field operations, as well as at the global and regional levels. Switzerland will strengthen the capacity of the humanitarian system to deliver better protection, gender equality and PSEA by providing strategic and technical advice to the Humanitarian Country Teams (HCTs) around the world.