Press releases, 18.06.2020

A Swiss citizen, who had been in the hands of Colombian hostage-takers for almost three months, has been freed on Thursday 18 June 2020. The Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) has taken note of this news with relief and thanks the Colombian authorities, in particular the Colombian armed forces, for their support.

The FDFA confirms that a Swiss and a Brazilian citizen were liberated on Thursday, 18 June 2020, by the Colombian army. The two men were abducted on 20 March 2020 and held hostage in Colombia for almost three months. Since that time, the FDFA, together with various departments of the Federal Administration (including the Federal Office of Police, fedpol) and the Canton of Zurich (Cantonal Police ZH), has worked intensively for the release of the hostages. The authorities involved have been in contact with the family members and have assisted and supported them during this time. The Swiss representation in Bogotá also maintains close contact with the local authorities.
The context of the abduction is currently under investigation. Considering the circumstances, both men are in good health. For reasons of data and personality protection, no further details can be provided.
The FDFA would like to thank the Colombian authorities for their good cooperation and the Colombian armed forces for their successful efforts in this rescue operation.  
Follow travel instructions

The FDFA urgently recommends consulting the Department's travel advice before travelling abroad. They provide information on the security situation in selected countries and should be studied before and during travel to affected regions. At present, the Department's travel advice is published for 176 countries and is constantly updated. Travellers decide on their own responsibility when preparing and carrying out a trip. The travel advice can be found on the FDFA website.

Further information:

Travel advice

Address for enquiries:

FDFA Communication
Michael Steiner
Tel.: +41 79 247 01 35
Twitter: @SwissMFA


Federal Department of Foreign Affairs

Last update 19.07.2023

  • FDFA Communication answers media queries Mondays to Fridays during office hours and operates a weekend emergency on-call service.


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3003 Bern

Phone (for journalists only):
+41 58 460 55 55

Phone (for all other requests):
+41 58 462 31 53

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