The voluntary report provides an overview of international humanitarian law (IHL) implementation by Switzerland. It was prepared by the Interdepartmental Committee for International Humanitarian Law (ICIHL), which brings together representatives from the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, the Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport, the Federal Department of Justice and Police, the Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research, the Federal Department of Home Affairs and the Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland, and also cooperates with the Swiss Red Cross. Switzerland's first voluntary report was adopted by the Federal Council in 2020 and the second on 23 October 2024, in preparation for the 34th International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. The report, divided into eight sections, reviews the most prominent examples of best practice in this regard and the issues at stake, covering the following key topics: specific protection, rules governing the means and methods of warfare, prosecuting serious violations of IHL, IHL dissemination and training, support for IHL implementation, and other measures to ensure respect for IHL. It also deals with topical issues such as humanitarian exemptions, and the Security Council and IHL.

By virtue of writing this voluntary report, the ICIHL has enhanced the dialogue among its members about IHL implementation by Switzerland. The ICIHL now possesses a well-developed and shared understanding of best practice and of the main implementation-related challenges that Switzerland faces. On that basis, it has created an action plan setting out specific measures that will strengthen Switzerland's efforts in relation to IHL. One of these measures is to support other national IHL committees as they prepare their own voluntary reports. Switzerland encourages all states that have not yet done so to carry out this exercise. The resulting reports could foster intergovernmental dialogue on best practice and the measures needed to improve IHL implementation and compliance. This would strengthen IHL and, ultimately, provide better protection for the victims of armed conflicts.


Last update 24.10.2024

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