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Barbara Bernath has long years of experience in the field of torture prevention. From 2018 until September 2024, she was the secretary general of the Association for the Prevention of Torture (APT), based in Geneva. The FDFA supported her candidacy as an independent candidate. Her election ensures Switzerland's continued presence on this important international human rights body.
The prevention of torture is one of the priorities of Switzerland's human rights diplomacy. Switzerland and Costa Rica initiated OPCAT, which entered into force in 2006 and currently has 94 states parties. The SPT is an international committee associated with OPCAT which monitors the conditions of detention and the treatment of detained persons in states that are party to OPCAT. It also advises states parties on the implementation of OPCAT and, in particular, supports the establishment and work of national preventive mechanisms.
Address for enquiries:
FDFA Communication
Federal Palace West Wing
CH-3003 Bern, Switzerland
Tel. Press service: +41 58 460 55 55
E-mail: kommunikation@eda.admin.ch
Twitter: @SwissMFA