Press releases

Here you can find the last 12 media releases and other news published by the FDFA, such as statements, announcements and articles, in chronological order.

All media releases can be found on the Administarions's website.

News Service of the Federal Administration

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Object 3541 – 3552 of 3616

Official working visit to Budapest by Federal Councillor Micheline Calmy-Rey

16.06.2009 — Press releases EDA
Federal Councillor Micheline Calmy-Rey, head of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), travelled to Budapest today to meet her new Hungarian counterpart, Péter Balázs, for an official working visit. The focus of their talks was on bilateral relations and co-operation between the two countries in international organisations, European co-operation and current international issues. A declaration of intent was also signed during this visit.

Switzerland to take part in world exhibition 2012 in South Korea

05.06.2009 — Press releases EDA
The Federal Council has decided that Switzerland will take part in the category B world exhibition in Yeosu, South Korea, in 2012. Switzerland has accepted the invitation that it officially received from South Korea in a diplomatic note dated 3 February 2009.

The FDFA strongly condemns the probable killing of the British hostage in Mali

03.06.2009 — Press releases EDA
With deep dismay, grief and outrage the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) has learned of the probable killing of the British hostage who has been in captivity in Mali since 22 January 2009. The FDFA continues to focus all its efforts on the release of the remaining hostage, a Swiss citizen.

Visit to Libya by Federal Councillor Calmy-Rey

29.05.2009 — Press releases EDA
Federal Councillor Micheline Calmy-Rey, head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), visited Libya from 27 to 29 May 2009. The main purpose of this visit was to meet the two Swiss citizens who have been detained in Libya for 300 days and are not permitted to leave the country. Mrs Calmy-Rey was accompanied on her visit by the wives of the two detained Swiss citizens and by a doctor.

Switzerland calls on the parties in Sri Lanka to engage in political dialogue

19.05.2009 — Press releases EDA
The Swiss government welcomes the end of the armed conflict in the north of Sri Lanka. Switzerland deeply regrets that this conflict which has lasted for decades has caused countless deaths and that tens of thousands of internally displaced persons have been deprived of their livelihoods.

Switzerland appeals to release all Political Prisoners in Myanmar

15.05.2009 — Press releases EDA
The Swiss government is concerned about reports of deterioration in the state of health of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and her transfer to a prison. The Swiss Government appeals to the Government of Myanmar to release immediately and unconditionally all political prisoners in the country, including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi.

Reception of the Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko in Bern

14.05.2009 — Press releases EDA
Today President Merz received the Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko on a visit to Bern. Along with bilateral relations, topics of discussion focussed on the European policies of both countries, the impact of the financial crisis on Switzerland and the Ukraine and multilateral cooperation between the two countries.

Object 3541 – 3552 of 3616

Media (3316)

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Last update 19.07.2023

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