
London, 23.02.2012 - Discorso del Consigliere federale Didier Burkhalter - Fa stato la versione orale

Switzerland expresses its appreciation to the United Kingdom for the organization of this important conference. We commend the inclusive approach that brings the relevant international and national stakeholders together. The international community must speak with one voice.

The next six months will be crucial in Somalia’s effort to bring governance and a functioning state back to the country and emerge from over twenty years of state collapse. The political transition and with it the Transitional Federal Institutions must come to an end in August. This shall be possible with the adoption of a new Constitution and the emergence of a leadership whose mandate emanates from this Constitution.

Switzerland has supported peacebuilding in Somalia and the formulation of its constitution. We have contributed to the constitutional drafting process by providing guidance and expertise.  For the next steps, we consider the following principles as decisive:

First: Legitimacy: The key value to the success of the political process will be its legitimacy in the eyes of Somali stakeholders. Legitimacy means inclusiveness. The Consultative Process should allow a broad range of stakeholders to vet the draft. The Constitutional Assembly must be representative of communities across Somalia without discrimination.

The second principle is ownership: All over Somalia, local authorities and regional administrations are emerging. Their success may be modest, their governance shaky, their democratic credentials not fully established; but they are close to people’s needs, and they deliver a degree of law and order as well as basic services to the population.

We should encourage such structures and support them wherever we can. A dialogue between these entities should be promoted with the longer-term goal of establishing sound federal structures that are front and center in the draft constitution and the political discourse.

The third principle is accountability: Only a government that uses its assets and revenues for the benefit of its people can be sustainable. We therefore support the establishment of a joint financial management board that helps to fight corruption and increases transparency.

In order to implement these three principles, efficient coordination efforts are necessary. Somalia still has a great deal to accomplish between now and August.  At the current pace of progress, it is difficult to see the milestones being met on time. Ongoing political commitment and involvement of the international community is needed. Our common responsibility is requested.

We commend Turkey for its offer to host a follow-up Conference in Istanbul. The coordinated support of the international community is essential: all international actors, be they new or traditional partners, have to share the same vision of the key elements and steps of the political process.  Switzerland is convinced that a higher-level political leadership will be needed to support and complement the efforts of the UN and others to see the process to conclusion.

One word about the humanitarian situation: Switzerland is gravely concerned about the deteriorating protection environment in South-Central Somalia. Access to populations in need is vital; and the delivery of aid in accordance with the humanitarian principles of neutrality, impartiality and independence is essential to avoid more suffering. Switzerland encourages the engagement with relevant actors so that the respect for International Humanitarian Law can be strengthened.

Mr. Chairman, Switzerland remains committed to contributing to the political transition in Somalia.Thank you   

Informazioni supplementari:

Il Consigliere federale Didier Burkhalter partecipa alla Conferenza sulla Somalia a Londra

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