Discours du chef du DFAE et d’autres représentants du département.
Représentant-e de la Suisse auprès de l'ONU; Pascale Baeriswyl
Statement delivered by Switzerland at the United Nations Security Council Briefing on Security Council Subsidiary Organs.
Représentant-e de la Suisse auprès de l'ONU
Statement delivered by Switzerland at the United Nations Security Council Briefing on UNOCA.
Représentant-e de la Suisse auprès de l'ONU
Statement delivered by Switzerland at the United Nations Security Council Arria-Formula Meeting on Safeguarding Lives, Sustaining Peace: Enhancing Mine Action for Stabilization, Protection, Recovery, and Inclusion.
Représentant-e de la Suisse auprès de l'ONU; Pascale Baeriswyl
Statement delivered by Switzerland at the United Nations Security Council Briefing on UNAMA (Afghanistan).
Représentant-e de la Suisse auprès de l'ONU; Joint Statement
Joint Press Stakeout by the Security Council Signatories of the Statement of Shared Commitments for the Principles of Women, Peace, and Security on the situation in Afghanistan.
Représentant-e de la Suisse auprès de l'ONU
Statement delivered after the vote by Switzerland at the United Nations General Assembly Tenth Emergency Special Session on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian Question.
Représentant-e de la Suisse auprès de l'ONU; Pascale Baeriswyl
Statement delivered by Switzerland at the United Nations Security Council Briefing on Yemen.
Représentant-e de la Suisse auprès de l'ONU
Statement delivered by Switzerland at the United Nations Security Council Debate on the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT).
Représentant-e de la Suisse auprès de l'ONU
Statement delivered by Switzerland at the United Nations General Assembly General Debate on the strengthening of the coordination of emergency humanitarian assistance of the United Nations.
Représentant-e de la Suisse auprès de l'ONU
Statement delivered by Switzerland before the vote on the Resolution titled: Safety and security of humanitarian personnel and protection of United Nations personnel.
Représentant-e de la Suisse auprès de l'ONU; Pascale Baeriswyl
Statement delivered by Switzerland at the United Nations Security Council Briefing on the situation concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO).
Représentant-e de la Suisse auprès de l'ONU
Statement delivered by Switzerland at the United Nations Security Council Arria-Formula Meeting on "Persons with disabilities in situations of armed conflict and related humanitarian crises - Heightening visibility and eliminating discrimination".
Dernière mise à jour 29.01.2022
Communication DFAE
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