En patrouille avec la mission spéciale d'observation de l'OSCE en Ukraine.
Une patrouille de la Mission spéciale d’observation de l’OSCE en Ukraine dans la région de Donetsk. © OSCE/Evgeny Maloletka

Le DFAE, une fois le feu vert de l’organisation obtenu, finance la mission et établit le contrat de travail sur la base de l’ordonnance sur le personnel affecté à la promotion de la paix, au renforcement des droits de l'homme et à l'aide humanitaire (OPers-PDHH). La personne sous contrat devient alors membre du Pool d'experts pour la promotion civile de la paix.

Ordonnance sur le personnel affecté à la promotion de la paix, au renforcement des droits de l’homme et à l’aide humanitaire (OPers-PDHH)

Profil requis des candidates et candidats pour des postes du PEP (PDF, 49.3 kB, Français)

Formulaire de données personnelles PEP (DOCX, 8 Pages, 102.8 kB, Anglais)

Postes actuellement vacants – financés par le Pool d’experts

10 LTO-Election Observers (PDF, 8 Pages, 278.3 kB, English)

The availability of election observers is very important for the Expert Pool. Please address in your letter of motivation how you intend to ensure availability for assignments lasting 6 to 8 weeks one or more times a year. New members are being sought because current members will soon be retiring after many years or decades of service.
The application period will be open until 16 February 2025

Policy Advisor (PDF, 2 Pages, 137.4 kB, English)

Secondment to the Council of Europe
The advert is published on the federal government's jobs platform Federal Administration website
The application period will be open until 13 February 2025

JPO in Political Affairs, DPA MSU in New York
Closing date: 17.02.2025
Recruitment by cinfo

Associate Human Rights Analyst IIIM Syria in Geneva
Closing date: 20.02.2025
Recruitment by cinfo

Human Security Advisor Lebanon in Beirut
Start date: Summer 2025
The advert is published on the federal government's jobs platform Federal Administration website
The application period will be open until 27 February 2025

Learning Solution Specialist (PDF, 3 Pages, 168.4 kB, English)

Secondment to UNITAR in Geneva
The advert will be published on the federal government's jobs platform Federal Administration website on 7 February
The application period will be open until 2 March 2025

Postes planifiés

Mediation and Peacebuilding Advisor (PDF, 4 Pages, 204.4 kB, English)
Secondment to UNDP in Port Sudan

Human Security Advisor in Pristina
Start date: Summer 2025

Legal Advisor for the Venice Commission (PDF, 6 Pages, 196.7 kB, English)
Secondment to the Council of Europe

  • JPO in Human Rights (Civic Space), OHCHR for the Sudan Country Office in Nairobi
  • JPO in Human Rights (transitional justice), OHCHR in New York
  • JPO in Political Affairs, OSESG-GL in Nairobi
  • JPO in support of the UN SR on Freedom of Assembly and Association, OHCHR in Geneva
  • JPO in support of the Human Rights Council and Treaty Mechanisms Division, Human Rights Treaties Branch, Petitions and Inquiries Section, OHCHR in Geneva
  • JPO in Humanitarian Affairs - Policy Development and Studies Branch (PAPS), OCHA in New York
  • JPO in anti-human trafficking, implementing projects of the Anti-human Trafficking Unit,  UNODC in Vienna
  • JPO IIIM – International, Impartial and Independent Mechanism

UN Youth Volunteers (recruitment is planned for 2025)


Postes actuellement vacants – non financés par le Pool d’experts

Les postes vacants ci-dessous proposés par des organisations internationales rejoignent les priorités thématiques et géographiques de la politique suisse en matière de paix et de droits de l’homme, mais ne peuvent être financés par le DFAE. Les organisations s’occupent elles-mêmes du recrutement et du pourvoi des postes en question. Les personnes intéressées doivent soumettre leur candidature directement aux organisations concernées et peuvent, si elles le souhaitent, informer le PEP de leur démarche. 

Application dossier

A complete application dossier contains the following documents:

  • Letter of application
  • Copies of diplomas and references
  • Curriculum vitae in English
  • SEF personal data sheet

For OSCE and EU applications with the documents requested in the job advertisement.

Unsolicited applications will not be considered.

Receive notifications of vacancies:

Create an e-mail notification

Dernière mise à jour 10.02.2025


Pool d’experts pour la promotion civile de la paix

DFAE Division Paix et droits de l’homme
Bundesgasse 32
3003 Berne


+41 58 462 82 14

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