
Bern, 10.06.2020 – Rede von Bundesrat Ignazio Cassis anlässlich des Forums 75 Jahre UNO Charta - Es gilt das gesprochene Wort

Rednerin/Redner: Cassis Ignazio; Departementsvorsteher, Ignazio Cassis

Dear colleagues,
Ladies and gentlemen,

Seventy-five years ago, the world was recovering from the Two World Wars. The governments of fifty countries came together in San Francisco to establish the United Nations.

The UN of today is not the UN of 1945 (nineteen forty-five). The organization has seen ups and downs. It has persevered and adapted. Today, the UN has to operate in an increasingly polarized world, with great economic and social inequalities. The Report of the Elders highlights these and other challenges. Small states are particularly dependent on a rules-based international order. That is why Switzerland strongly advocates respect for international law. As a member of FOSS, we appreciate the voice multilateralism gives to smaller states.

Together, we have to ensure that the UN remains responsive and relevant. As host to numerous UN and other multilateral organizations (in Geneva and Bern), Switzerland is an active and committed member state. Recently, the UN embarked on an ambitious path of reform. We support these reforms, but others must follow. As coordinator of the cross-regional “Accountability, Coherence and Transparency” group, we are working hard to improve the way in which the Security Council does business - the Code of Conduct on the use of the veto offers a tangible way forward.

As the Elders point out, we need an unambiguous, renewed commitment to the values and responsibilities enshrined in the Charter. We look forward to the adoption of the political declaration marking the 75th anniversary. We fully support the process. The declaration should reflect the important role played by the UN – past, present and future.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Covid-19 has transformed our daily lives. It has highlighted just how interconnected today’s world has become. The crisis accelerates the pace of change, in areas such as digital transformation and the emergence of new technologies. We must embrace together these changes.

That is why Switzerland remains committed to a strong United Nations; one that is able to address current and future challenges.

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